Company | City | Projects |
Technical university UMMC | Verkhnyaya Pyshma | 8 |
St. Petersburg international institute of management (IMISP) | St. Petersburg | 7 |
Volgograd state technical university (VOLGGTU) | Volgograd | 7 |
Samara state technical university (SAMGTU) | Samara | 6 |
Moscow state machine-building university (MAMI) | Moscow | 6 |
St. Petersburg state architectural and construction university (SPBGASU) | St. Petersburg | 6 |
State University of Management (SUM) | Moscow | 6 |
Far Eastern Federal University | Vladivostok | 5 |
National Library of Russia (NLR) | St. Petersburg | 5 |
Penza State University (PSU) | Penza | 5 |
Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR) | Dubna | 5 |
Russian academy of justice | Moscow | 5 |
Committee on Education of St. Petersburg | St. Petersburg | 5 |
Russian State Trade and Economic University (RSTEU) | Moscow | 5 |
Nazarbaev Universitet | Astana | 5 |
North Caucasian Federal University (NCFU) | Stavropol | 5 |
Ural State University of Railway Transport (URGUPS) | Yekaterinburg | 5 |
South Ural State University (SUSU) | Chelyabinsk | 5 |
Institute of development of education of Sverdlovsk region | Yekaterinburg | 4 |
Central research institute of Krylov | St. Petersburg | 4 |
Moscow city university of management of the Government of Moscow (MGUU) | Moscow | 4 |
Russian legal academy of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation | Moscow | 4 |
Sea state university of a name of the admiral G.I. Nevelsky | Vladivostok | 4 |
Scientific research institute of applied chemistry | Moscow region | 4 |
Altai State Technical University to them I I Polzunov (ALTGTU) | Barnaul | 4 |
Star of Scientific Production Enterprise of G.I. Severin | Moscow region | 4 |
Belgorod university of cooperation, economy and right | Belgorod | 4 |
Kolomna - the State memorial estate the estate | Moscow | 4 |
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University in Alma-Ata | Almaty | 4 |
Total dictation | | 4 |
Ministry of Education and Science of Dagestan | | 4 |
Ural state economic university (URGEU) | Yekaterinburg | 4 |
Altai state pedagogical academy | Barnaul | 4 |
StudyLab Group | Moscow | 4 |
MESI - Moscow State University of economy, statistics and information science | Moscow | 4 |
Sochi State University (SSU) | Sochi | 4 |
St. Petersburg medico-social institute | St. Petersburg | 4 |
Academy of the Public fire service Emercom of Russia | | 4 |
East European leading research and design institute of energy technologies, joint stock company (VNIPIET) | St. Petersburg | 4 |
Modern humanitarian academy Non-State Educational Institution | Moscow | 3 |
Moscow Center of Quality of Education (MCQE) | Moscow | 3 |
Moscow Business School | Moscow | 3 |
Institute of Problems of an Entrepreneurship (IPE) | Kiev | 3 |
Russian Institute of Strategic Researches (RISR) | Moscow | 3 |
Gazprom, training center | | 3 |
Corporate university Russian Railway | Moscow | 3 |
Dwelling TsNIIEP | Moscow | 3 |
Izhevsk state technical university (IZHGTU) | Izhevsk | 3 |
The international independent ekologo-politological university - MNEPU | Penza | 3 |
All-Russian state tax academy | Moscow | 3 |
Moscow architectural institute (MARHI) | Moscow | 3 |
Northwest institute of management - RANEPA branch | St. Petersburg | 3 |
Scientific and technological center of the power pool system (STC of EEC) before NIIPT | St. Petersburg | 3 |
Petrozavodsk state university (Petrgu) | Petrozavodsk | 3 |
SOGU (North Ossetian state university of K.L. Khetagurov) | Vladikavkaz | 3 |
Military and air academy of Zhukovsky and Gagarin (VUNTs Air Force "VVA") | Voronezh | 3 |
Tula state university, TULGU | Tula | 3 |
Yuzhniigiprogaz institute | Donetsk | 3 |
Corporate Academy of Rosatom | Moscow | 3 |
Folding@Home | Washington | 3 |
Moscow Financial and Legal Academy (MFLA) | Moscow | 3 |
Interdepartmental supercomputer center RAS (JSCC RAS) | Moscow | 3 |
Institute of engineering physics | | 3 |
Central universal scientific library of N.A. Nekrasov | Moscow | 3 |
Giproniiaviaprom | Moscow | 3 |
Belgorod state technology university of Shukhov (BGTU) | Belgorod | 3 |
Rostov State Economic University (RINH) | Rostov-on-Don | 3 |
Kvestor | Moscow | 3 |
RIKEN (Rikagaku Kenkyūsho) | Waco | 3 |
MADOU Starotavlarovsky kindergarten (RB) | Buzdyaksky district | 2 |
Case western reserve University (Case Western Reserve University) | | 2 |
MADOU Urzaybashsky kindergarten (RB) | Urzaybash | 2 |
MADOU Urtakulsky kindergarten (RB) | Urtakul | 2 |
MADOU Gafuriysky kindergarten (RB) | Gafuri | 2 |
Ufa legal institute FGKOU of a Higher Professional Education of UYuI Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation | Ufa | 2 |
MBOU lyceum No. 9 (Krasnoyarsk) | Krasnoyarsk | 2 |
Institute of applied mathematics of M.V. Keldysh | Moscow | 2 |
The Omsk state university - OMGU of F.M. Dostoyevsky | Omsk | 2 |
St. Petersburg state chemical and pharmaceutical university | St. Petersburg | 2 |
DSUNE (Dagestan State University of the National Economy) | | 2 |
RC MEI | Moscow | 2 |
VNIKTI | | 2 |
Institute of high-current electronics | Tomsk | 2 |
Baltic State Academy of the Fishery Fleet (BSAFF) | Kaliningrad | 2 |
Institute of Special Pedagogics and psychology | St. Petersburg | 2 |
Institute of problems of chemical energy technologies of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science | | 2 |
St. Petersburg Akmeologichesky Academy | St. Petersburg | 2 |
Research institute of bridges and defectoscopy of FAZhT, federal state unitary enterprise | St. Petersburg | 2 |
Institute of Divinity and Philosophy | St. Petersburg | 2 |
International school of the Gertsenovsky university | St. Petersburg | 2 |
State Museum of the History of Religion | St. Petersburg | 2 |
Center of medical pedagogics | Moscow | 2 |
Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет сервиса и экономики ГОУВПО СпбГУСЭ | St. Petersburg | 2 |
Center of modern personnel training | | 2 |
Museum of Modern History | Moscow | 2 |
LGPU - Lipetsk state pedagogical university of a name of Items of Semenova-Tyan-Shanskogo | Lipetsk | 2 |
Lomonosov private school | Moscow | 2 |
Master of TEH | Moscow | 2 |
Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts library of A.S. Pushkin | Moscow | 2 |
Gipronikel institute | Moscow | 2 |
BRIEP (Buryat Republican Institute of Educational Policy) | Ulan-Ude | 2 |
Intari | St. Petersburg | 2 |
Nizhnevartovsk state university | Nizhnevartovsk | 2 |
TNG-Geoseys, Scientific and production enterprise of geological modeling | Tyumen | 2 |
The Kazakh national technical university of K.I. Satpayev - KAZNTU | | 2 |
Step to the future, education center | Moscow | 2 |
KRTS OF FATHERS | Syktyvkar | 2 |
State scientific research institute of systems analysis of Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation (Scientific Research Institute JV) | Moscow | 2 |
Temocentre (Moscow center of technology modernization of education) | Moscow | 2 |
Tver State University | Tver | 2 |
Scientific research institute of motherhood and childhood of Gorodkov | Ivanovo | 2 |
SKIRO PK and missile defense Stavropol edge institute of development of education of advanced training and retraining of workers of images | Stavropol | 2 |
St. Petersburg institute of nuclear physics of B.P. Konstantinov (PIYaF) Kurchatov Institute National Research Centre | Gatchina (Leningrad Region) | 2 |
Narkhoz university | Almaty | 2 |
State biological museum of K.A. Timiryazev | Moscow | 2 |
Kindergarten Municipal Preschool Educational Institution No. 258 | Omsk | 2 |
International academy of business and new technologies (MUBINT) | Yaroslavl | 2 |
Moscow School of Economy (MShE Lomonosov Moscow State University) | Moscow | 2 |
Ryazan state medical university Of the academician I.P. Pavlov | Ryazan | 2 |
Biologists for conservation, Charitable public organization | Moscow | 2 |
Moscow Center of educational technologies (I-school) (Center of education "Technology of training") | Moscow | 2 |
Mosgortransniiproyekt, SUE | Moscow | 2 |
International academy of business and management | Moscow | 2 |
Voronezh Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs | Voronezh | 2 |
The state university on land management | Moscow | 2 |
ISMAPGE (Irkutsk State Medical Academy for Post-Graduate Education) | Irkutsk | 2 |
The federal agency on science and innovations | Moscow | 2 |
Institute of New Technologies (INT) | Moscow | 2 |
NIIPKI (SPBAEP) | St. Petersburg | 2 |
East European institute of psychoanalysis | St. Petersburg | 2 |
RSUJ (Russian State University of Justice) | Moscow | 2 |
S7 Training | Moscow region | 2 |
School No. 760 of A.P. Maresyev | Moscow | 2 |
Ark | Moscow | 2 |
Michurinsk state agricultural university | Michurinsk | 2 |
Astrakhan state university | Astrakhan | 2 |
Federal agency by training | Moscow | 2 |
International institute of the labor and social relations (MITSO) | Minsk | 2 |
Petrovsky college | St. Petersburg | 2 |
Музей-усадьба П.И. Чайковского в г. Воткинске | Votkinsk | 2 |
Stavropol state medical university | Stavropol | 2 |
Moscow automobile and road state technical university (Moscow Administrative Road Inspectorate) | Moscow | 2 |
Moscow Lyceum of information technologies No. 1533 (LIT) | Moscow | 2 |
Institute of oceanology of P.P. Shirshov | | 2 |
UGMS of the Republic of Tatarstan | Kazan | 2 |
Kursk state medical university | Kursk | 2 |
Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan | Kazan | 2 |
Institute of professional administration and complex energy efficiency of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation | Moscow | 2 |
Moscow international higher school of business of MIRBIS | Moscow | 2 |
Moscow regional musical college of S.S. Prokofiev | Pushkino | 2 |
Federal Research Institute of System Researches of RAS scientific center (FNTs SRISA RAS) | Moscow | 2 |
Naberezhnye Chelny State Trade Institute of Technology (NCSTIT) | Naberezhnye Chelny | 2 |
VNIINM of Bochvar | Moscow | 2 |
ГУ Центральная городская детская библиотека им. А.С. Пушкина - межрайонная ЦБС детских библиотек | | 2 |
International School of Design (ISD) | | 2 |
Ufa State Aviation University (UGATU) | Ufa | 2 |
Research institute of command devices | St. Petersburg | 2 |
Samara design and survey institute Zheldorproyekt Povolzhya (Russian Railway) | | 2 |
Fraunhofer | | 2 |
Moscow state agroengineering university of V.P. Goryachkin | Moscow | 2 |
Kazan open university of talents 2.0 | Kazan | 2 |
State university of the sea and river fleet (GUMRF) of a name of the admiral S.O. Makarov | St. Petersburg | 2 |
Russian academy of public service under the President of the Russian Federation, RAGS | Moscow | 2 |
School in the settlement White Yar | White Yar | 2 |
Museum and memorial Victory complex | Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk | 2 |
TO RGGR | Moscow | 2 |
Bashkir State Agricultural University (BSAU) | Ufa | 2 |
Moscow academy of the public and municipal administration (MAGMA) | Moscow | 2 |
ATC International | | 2 |
REU Krasnodar branch of G.V. Plekhanov | Krasnodar | 2 |
Orenburg State Agricultural University (OSAU) | Orenburg | 2 |
International center of Lomonosov Moscow State University | Moscow | 2 |
Moscow institute of Psychoanalysis | Moscow | 2 |
Moscow research oncological institute of P.A. Herzen (MNIOI) | Moscow | 2 |
Khabarovsk edge institute of development of education | Khabarovsk | 2 |
Научно-производственный центр СибГео (НПЦ СибГео) | Tyumen | 2 |
The center of information technologies and educational equipment - TsITUO | Moscow | 2 |
Krasnogorsk college | Krasnogorsk | 2 |
Institute of tourism and hospitality | Moscow | 2 |
Ryazan state university of S.A. Yesenin | Ryazan | 2 |
RGGMU (Russian state hydrometeorological university) | St. Petersburg | 2 |
Altai State Medical University (ASMU) | Barnaul | 2 |
Tyumen state medical university (TYUMGMU) | Tyumen | 2 |
Bashkir state pedagogical university of M. Akmulla (BGPU) | Ufa | 2 |
Kostroma state university of N.A. Nekrasov of Public Educational Institution of Higher Professional Training | Kostroma | 2 |
Research and test center of the biometric equipment of MSTU of N.E. Bauman | Moscow | 2 |
VNIRO (All-Russian Research Institute of fishery and oceanography) | Moscow | 2 |
CRDIN (Central Research and Development Institute of Navy) | St. Petersburg | 2 |
MADOU Akhun kindergarten (RB) | Akhun | 2 |
Saratov center of standardization, metrology and certification | Saratov | 2 |
International innovation university | Sochi | 2 |
MADOU Buzdyaksky kindergarten No. 6 (RB) | Buzdyak | 2 |
Institute of architecture and construction of VOLGGTU (earlier Volgograd architectural and construction university, VOLGGASU) | Volgograd | 2 |
Department of education and sciences of the Lipetsk region | Lipetsk | 2 |
MADOU Kanly-Turkeevsky kindergarten (RB) | Kanly-Turkeevo | 2 |
MADOU Karansky kindergarten (RB) | Uranovo | 2 |
Ryazan regional universal scientific library of Gorky | Ryazan | 2 |
The Perm State University is the CCGT | Perm | 2 |
MADOU Kilimovsky kindergarten (RB) | Kilimovo | 2 |
MADOU Kopey-Kubovsky kindergarten (RB) | Kopey-Kopey-Kubovo | 2 |
Research institute of transport of oil and oil products (Scientific Research Institute TNN) | Moscow | 2 |
MADOU Sergeevsky kindergarten (RB) | Sergeevka | 2 |
The Belgorod region - schools | Belgorod | 2 |
Siberian research institute of geology, geophysics and mineral raw materials | Novosibirsk | 1 |
POTISS | Ulyanovsk | 1 |
LAGIS | Moscow | 1 |
BYuI Ministry of Internal Affairs Barnaulsky legal institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation | Barnaul | 1 |
Kindergarten of the combined type No. 31 the Gold key | Balashikha | 1 |
SPBGTEU (St. Petersburg state trade and economic university) | St. Petersburg | 1 |
Ryazan state agrotechnology university | Ryazan | 1 |
TsPO of the Samara region (Center of professional education of the Samara region) | Samara | 1 |
Catholic Theological College, Melbourne (Catholic theological college) | Melbourne | 1 |
Seaside edge departments of the Russian Geographical Society (Society of studying of the Amur region) | | 1 |
International Institute of Technical Innovations (IITI) | Yekaterinburg | 1 |
Municipal educational institution Lyceum No. 1 of Irkutsk | Irkutsk | 1 |
Nizhny Tagil city historical archive (NTGI) | Nizhny Tagil | 1 |
MOE SOSH No. 75 of Irkutsk | Irkutsk | 1 |
State archive of the city of Sevastopol | Sevastopol | 1 |
Institute of applied physical problems of A.N. Sevchenko (NIIPFP of A.N. Sevchenko BGU) | Minsk | 1 |
Funk і consulting | Kiev | 1 |
Institute of nuclear researches of the Kingdom of Thailand (Thailand Institue Of Nuclear Technology, TINT) | | 1 |
School of management of the food industry | St. Petersburg | 1 |
Research Institute of Technology of A.P. Alexandrov | | 1 |
SEI of the city of Moscow school No. 597 (New generation) | Moscow | 1 |
GUSO Samara regional resource center | Samara | 1 |
Promare | | 1 |
University of north Texas (Yuniversiti of North Texas) | | 1 |
GTMAU (Technical school of mechanization of St. George, automation and management) | | 1 |
Gorno-Altaysk State University | | 1 |
MOE SOSH No. 18 of Irkutsk | Irkutsk | 1 |
KARGTU (Karaganda state technical university) | Karaganda | 1 |
TU Wien | | 1 |
NSU of P.F. Lesgaft (National state university of physical culture, sport and health) | St. Petersburg | 1 |
Yaroslavl Highest Military College of Air Defense | Yaroslavl | 1 |
Edge polytechnical college | | 1 |
SEI OF SOSH NO. 650 | Moscow | 1 |
Lipetsk state technical university | Lipetsk | 1 |
Novokuybyshevsk RTs (Novokuybyshevsk resource center) | Novokuybyshevsk | 1 |
Peking University of economy and finance (Central University of Finance and Economics) | Beijing | 1 |
Knowledge plus (Non-State Educational Institution Training center) | | 1 |
The house of scientific collaboration of A.S. Popov | Rostov-on-Don | 1 |
Krasnogvardeysky college, SEI Open Source MO | Moscow region | 1 |
ESSIC (East Siberian State Institute of Culture) | Ulan-Ude | 1 |
Expert Institute of advanced training and certification | | 1 |
School No. 1468, Moscow | Moscow | 1 |
UNTs Geophysics (Geophysics educational scientific center) | Ufa | 1 |
Dasproyekt, school of German | St. Petersburg | 1 |
The Russian word - the textbook, Ltd company | Moscow | 1 |
Planet of knowledge | Voronezh | 1 |
Academy of Management and entrepreneurship | Moscow | 1 |
SIBGTU, Siberian State Technology University | | 1 |
Laboratory of a social entrepreneurship | Moscow | 1 |
Tula IPKPP | Tula | 1 |
Federal Institute of Development of Education (FIDE) | Moscow | 1 |
Center of educational programs | | 1 |
Sakhalin regional universal scientific library | | 1 |
Southern Connecticut State University (SCSU) (University of the Southern Connecticut) | New Heven | 1 |
State University of New York at Stony Brook, SBU | Stony Brook | 1 |
International House (Kiev) | Kiev | 1 |
WHAT Energy | Moscow | 1 |
MAOU SOSh No. 36 Veliky Novgorod | Veliky Novgorod | 1 |
NIPI TRTI (Research and design institute of territorial development and transport infrastructure) | St. Petersburg | 1 |
The St. Petersburg training center of specialists with secondary medical education No. 1 (SPb TsPK SMO No. 1) | St. Petersburg | 1 |
Municipal archive of Lensky District of the Sakha (Yakutia) Republic | Yakutsk | 1 |
Korund-M Design office | Moscow | 1 |
House H. B. of Gogol | | 1 |
The Moscow gymnasium in Southwest No. 1543 | Moscow | 1 |
TsNPO Cascade | Moscow | 1 |
Cheboksary engineering center of transport and agricultural mechanical engineering (ChITs TSM) | Cheboksary | 1 |
Integral College | Georgiyevsk | 1 |
IRE of V.A. Kotelnikov of RAS | | 1 |
Woz U | | 1 |
Kirov timber industry college (KLPK) | Kirov | 1 |
George Washington University | Washington | 1 |
Academic musical college | Moscow | 1 |
Engineering of Oil and gas chemistry | Ufa | 1 |
Globe, school | Moscow | 1 |
Saratov Technical School of Railway Transport (STSRT) | Saratov | 1 |
Migal Galilee | | 1 |
High comprehensive school No. 2 of the city district city of Volgorechensk | | 1 |
Institute of experimental biology of Nenchki of the Polish Academy of Sciences (PAS) | | 1 |
Tomsk center of standardization, metrology and certification | Tomsk | 1 |
Academic International Institute | Moscow | 1 |
Corporate university Norilsk Nickel, Non-State Educational Institution | Moscow | 1 |
Reasonable way | Moscow | 1 |
Advance Group (Edvans Group) | Moscow | 1 |
Kvantorium Vologda | Vologda | 1 |
Borovichi teacher training college | Borovichi | 1 |
National library of the Republic of Chuvashia | | 1 |
Khakass museum of local lore of L.R. Kyzlasov | Abakan | 1 |
Raduzhninsky polytechnical college | Iridescent (Tyumen Region) | 1 |
Dinamika, of SEI Center | | 1 |
MOE SOSH No. 43 Rostov-on-Don | Rostov-on-Don | 1 |
International English School (IES) | Krasnogorsk | 1 |
Irkutskzheldorproyekt, JSC (Roszheldorproyekt Irkutsk Design and Survey Institute Branch) | Irkutsk | 1 |
The organization for economic researches at the University of Hawaii | Washington | 1 |
University Turan | Almaty | 1 |
Tyumen institute of the engineering Innovation (TIIS) systems | Tyumen | 1 |
Department of formation of administration of the Sakmara district | | 1 |
Orenburg Presidential cadet school | Orenburg | 1 |
Psikhosinteza academy | | 1 |
Gymnasium of the city of Mednogorsk | | 1 |
Memorial Museum of Astronautics | | 1 |
Muravlenkovsky multi-profile college | Muravlenko | 1 |
Institute of UNIK | Moscow | 1 |
Onyx DPO | Nizhnevartovsk | 1 |
Moscow military school "Board of pupils of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation" | Moscow | 1 |
Institute of development of education of Murmansk region | Murmansk | 1 |
Vladivostok state university of economy and service (VGUES) | Vladivostok | 1 |
Surgut professional college | Surgut | 1 |
Educational plant Bashneftekhim | Ufa | 1 |
Nizhny Tagil Institute of Technology (branch) URFA | Nizhny Tagil | 1 |
National university Kiyevo-Mogilyansky academy | Kiev | 1 |
PechorNIPIneft | Ukhta | 1 |
Polotsk state university | | 1 |
St. Petersburg military military school (SPBKVK) | St. Petersburg | 1 |
KSPC (Kursk State Polytechnical College) | Kursk | 1 |
Yaroslavl school of culture, Public Educational Institution of Secondary Vocational Education | Yaroslavl | 1 |
Boarding school No. 117 of T.S. Zykova of the urban district Samara | Samara | 1 |
Ryazan medical college | Ryazan | 1 |
Voronezh State Institute of Physical Culture (VSIPC) | Voronezh | 1 |
Krasnoyarsk State University (KSU) | Krasnoyarsk | 1 |
Kamchatka edge joint museum | | 1 |
Rostov research institute of obstetrics and pediatrics | Rostov-on-Don | 1 |
Mandhu College | Maldives | 1 |
Boarding school No. 1 for training and rehabilitation of blind people (Moscow) | Moscow | 1 |
Wrangel Island, national nature reserve | Pevek | 1 |
Kiev national university of Taras Shevchenko | Kiev | 1 |
Gymnasium No. 1 Blagoveshchensk | Blagoveshchensk | 1 |
National Institute of quantum and radiological science (Quantum and Radiological Science) | | 1 |
Academy of mechanical engineering of Zh.Ya. Kotin | St. Petersburg | 1 |
Supercomputer center of Leibniz (Leibniz-Rechenzentrum, LRZ) | Munich | 1 |
State archive of the contemporary history of the Kostroma region | Kostroma | 1 |
State Research Institute of systems analysis of Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation | Moscow | 1 |
MAOU SOSh No. 67 Yekaterinburg | Yekaterinburg | 1 |
Christian university Zhong of Yuan | | 1 |
Flatiron Institute (Flatiron Institute) | New York | 1 |
State museum of heroic defense and liberation of Sevastopol | Sevastopol | 1 |
Impact Hub Moscow - Impakt Hub Moscow | Moscow | 1 |
Oryol technical college | Eagle | 1 |
Interstate corporation of development | St. Petersburg | 1 |
Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH | Yulikh | 1 |
School No. 347, St. Petersburg | St. Petersburg | 1 |
National museum RME of T. Evseev | Yoshkar-Ola | 1 |
Research Institute of the Motor Transport (RIMT) | Moscow | 1 |
NIPI Pegaz (Research and Pegaz design institute) | Ufa | 1 |
Institute of astronomy of the Russian Academy of Sciences | Moscow | 1 |
EQuator | St. Petersburg | 1 |
President, school | Odintsovo (Moscow Region) | 1 |
Nizhny Novgorod Institute of Applied Technologies (NNIAT) | Nizhny Novgorod | 1 |
Universität Rostock | | 1 |
House museum of Klyuchnikova-Palantaya | Yoshkar-Ola | 1 |
Czech technical university of Prague | Prague | 1 |
Tomsk polytechnical technical school | Tomsk | 1 |
Kvantorium Elista | Elista | 1 |
Sun in Bun | Moscow | 1 |
VNIIRA (All-Russian Research Institute of the radio equipment) | St. Petersburg | 1 |
Penza state university of architecture and construction (PGUAS) | Penza | 1 |
Museum of national applied art (Yoshkar-Ola) | Yoshkar-Ola | 1 |
Southern scientific center RAS | Rostov-on-Don | 1 |
Kargopolsky teacher training college | | 1 |
SOSh No. 24 of Lipetsk of M.B. Rakovsky (High comprehensive school No. 24) | Lipetsk | 1 |
Museum of history of Orthodoxy | Yoshkar-Ola | 1 |
Детский музейно-выставочный центр (Йошкар-ола) | Yoshkar-Ola | 1 |
ISBD, Institute of modern banking | Moscow | 1 |
All-Russian Research Institute of protection and economy of work | Moscow | 1 |
Technology college No. 14 | Moscow | 1 |
MBOU SOSh No. 42 Izhevsk | Izhevsk | 1 |
SOSh No. 5 of Solnechnogorsk | Solnechnogorsk | 1 |
Institute of advanced training of educators (TOIPKRO) | Tambov | 1 |
Department of education of MO Kosh-Agachsky district | | 1 |
Pirbright Institute (Pirbrayt institute - before Institute for Animal Health) | Pirbrayt | 1 |
Stage Laboratory | Moscow | 1 |
Retro, school | Moscow | 1 |
The higher school of psychology | Moscow | 1 |
GAPOU of the Republic of Karelia Petrozavodsk basic medical college | Petrozavodsk | 1 |
Institute of Applied Physics (Federal State Budgetary Institution IPG) | Moscow | 1 |
Design institute Federal State Unitary Enterprise FSB of Russia | Moscow | 1 |
Mekhmat of Lomonosov Moscow State University | Moscow | 1 |
Kostanay social and technical university of a name of the academician Zulkharnay Aldamzhar | | 1 |
SEI of the city of Moscow school No. 1411 | Moscow | 1 |
MMC (Murom Medical College) | Moore | 1 |
Republican business incubator | Izhevsk | 1 |
St. Petersburg academy of post-degree pedagogical education (SPb APPO) | St. Petersburg | 1 |
Azovo-Chernomorsky state agroengineering academy - AChGAA | | 1 |
High school No. 11 in Hangzhou | | 1 |
Grakhovsky SOSh of A.V. Marchenko | | 1 |
Symbiosis school | | 1 |
Moscow school No. 1296 | Moscow | 1 |
DPO Krasnoyarsk BOWE GOOCH educational and methodical center | Krasnoyarsk | 1 |
Chita institute of the Baikal university of economy and right | Chita | 1 |
Klin institute of protection and working conditions | | 1 |
Российская государственная детская библиотека (РГДБ) | Moscow | 1 |
University of Manitoba (Manitobsky university) | | 1 |
Public budget educational institution of the city of Moscow school No. 1987 | Moscow | 1 |
Kaliningrad state university | Kaliningrad | 1 |
Department of education of City administration of Simferopol | Simferopol | 1 |
Ufa motor transportation college | Ufa | 1 |
MOE SOSH of the item. Stream of the Ust-Kutsky municipal entity of the Irkutsk region | | 1 |
Academy of New Consciousness | | 1 |
Memorial estate Kazan Kremlin | Kazan | 1 |
SPBGIPSR - the St. Petersburg state institute of psychology and social work | St. Petersburg | 1 |
Agricultural university of Azerbaijan | | 1 |
Ministry of Education of the Tver region | Tver | 1 |
NTS VOSTNIYA | Kemerovo | 1 |
Ural research Institute of Technology | | 1 |
NIEI Ministry of Economics Belarus | Minsk | 1 |
St. Petersburg planetarium | St. Petersburg | 1 |
NITS of V.F. Solinov | Moscow | 1 |
Nyagan Technology College | | 1 |
Academy of the innovation education | Moscow | 1 |
Museum FSB | Moscow | 1 |
Lyceum No. 84 of V.A. Vlasov | Novokuznetsk (Kemerovo region) | 1 |
ABIP, Academy of bioresources and environmental management | Simferopol | 1 |
Teacher training college No. 1 of N.A. Nekrasov | St. Petersburg | 1 |
Center of additional education of gifted school students | Kirov | 1 |
ANU - Australian National University (Australian National University) | | 1 |
Sibgiprobiosintez | Krasnoyarsk | 1 |
Vnipipromtekhnologiya | Moscow | 1 |
Tula state pedagogical university to them L N Tolstoy | Tula | 1 |
Flying school of Aeroflot | Moscow | 1 |
Chita medical college | Chita | 1 |
Physical and mathematical lyceum No. 239 | St. Petersburg | 1 |
National library of A.S. Pushkin of the Republic of Mordovia | Saransk | 1 |
Saratov state Conservatory of L V Sobinov | Saratov | 1 |
Department of education in MO the City Berezovsky | | 1 |
Library of the Peter and Paul Fortress | St. Petersburg | 1 |
International academy of the stock exchange trading | | 1 |
SEI of the city of Moscow School No. 86 of M.E. Katukov | Moscow | 1 |
Third place | Sochi | 1 |
Eurasian open institute | | 1 |
FAU DPO Astrakhan training center of a federal fire service | Astrakhan | 1 |
IAM school (School of Intuitive Active Meditation) | | 1 |
Intek (education) | Moscow | 1 |
Institute of modern specialties | | 1 |
Murom historical art museum | Murom | 1 |
Lyceum No. 6, Khimki | Khimki (Moscow Region) | 1 |
Jambyl regional universal scientific library | | 1 |
Open Youth University | | 1 |
Teacher training college of fitness | St. Petersburg | 1 |
Irkutskgeofizika | | 1 |
Luhansk state medical university of a name of the Prelate Luka | | 1 |
Macquarie University | Sydney | 1 |
SEI of the city of Moscow school No. 90 (IOC to them E.G. Larikova) | Moscow | 1 |
Krasnodar edge art museum of F.A. Kovalenko | Krasnodar | 1 |
Study Lab Group | Moscow | 1 |
Research Center Avantrend | Yekaterinburg | 1 |
MBOU Gymnasium No. 1 | Serpukhov | 1 |
The museum of wrestling at the Palace of fight of Yarygin | Moscow | 1 |
Training Butik | Moscow | 1 |
Smolensk Humanities University | Smolensk | 1 |
Southern Ural institute of management and economy | Chelyabinsk | 1 |
Chancellor | Moscow | 1 |
Odessa national academy of communication of Popov | Odessa | 1 |
Zavodoukovsky high educational school | | 1 |
Pacific State Economic University (PSEU) | | 1 |
Ufa planetarium | Ufa | 1 |
Academy of public administration at the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan | | 1 |
Resource center of formation of ZATO Seversk (ZATO Seversk RTsO) | Seversk | 1 |
KRASGMU of professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky - the Krasnoyarsk state medical university | Krasnoyarsk | 1 |
Academy of Trading | St. Petersburg | 1 |
Kondinsky training center | | 1 |
East Kazakhstan state university of Sarsen Amanzholov | Ust-Kamenogorsk | 1 |
The All-Russian Research Institute on problems of civil defense and emergencies of Emercom of Russia | Moscow | 1 |
Samaranipineft Samara research and design institute of oil production | Samara | 1 |
Federal State Unitary Enterprise NIIPS - Research and design institute of a mail service | Moscow | 1 |
Museum of history of the Moscow medical academy of Sechenov | Moscow | 1 |
SUNTs MSU (Specialized research center – boarding school of A.N. Kolmogorov of MSU) | Moscow | 1 |
Institute of management, marketing and finance | Voronezh | 1 |
KGBPOU Kamensk teacher training college | Stone - on - Ob | 1 |
Language Matters | Buckinghamshire | 1 |
AANII Arctic and Antarctic research institute | St. Petersburg | 1 |
Stavropol centralized library system (CLS) | Stavropol | 1 |
Taimyr college | Dudinka | 1 |
STTs Pole sports and creative Pole center | Leningrad Region. | 1 |
St. Petersburg state economic university (SPBGEU) | St. Petersburg | 1 |
RAM of Gnesiny, Gnessin Russian Academy of Music | Moscow | 1 |
Gymnasium No. 1551 Moscow | Moscow | 1 |
Sochi medical college | Sochi | 1 |
Military academy of communication of S.M. Budenny | St. Petersburg | 1 |
Medical technical school No. 9 | St. Petersburg | 1 |
The center on Paveletskaya | Moscow | 1 |
Agro-industrial technical school of is. Chorus | Khabarovsk Krai, area of Lazo, is. Chorus, | 1 |
Tyumen school No. 65 | Tyumen | 1 |
SGAP Saratov state legal academy | Saratov | 1 |
Scientific Research Institute RTK (Research institute Resource-saving technologies and corrosion) | Novosibirsk | 1 |
National library of Uzbekistan | Tashkent | 1 |
St. Petersburg state theatrical library | St. Petersburg | 1 |
Hartree Centre | Warrington | 1 |
Surgut State University (SRGU) | Surgut | 1 |
Institute of journalism and literary creativity (IZhLT) | Moscow | 1 |
Non-State Educational Institution Nizhny Novgorod college of security | Nizhny Novgorod | 1 |
Military academy of aerospace defense of Marshal of the Soviet Union of G.K. Zhukov | Tver | 1 |
Norilsk city archive | Norilsk | 1 |
Institute of applied semiotics of Academy of Sciences of Tatarstan | Kazan | 1 |
Professional school No. 40, Penza | Penza | 1 |
Lipetsk medical college | Lipetsk | 1 |
The specialist, the Center of computer-based training at MSTU of N.E. Bauman | Moscow | 1 |
O’Key English (Primaenglishru) | Lyubertsy | 1 |
Volga region orthodox institute of a name of the Prelate Alexy of the Metropolitan of Moscow | Togliatti | 1 |
The Vyatka state university (VYATGU of FSBEI IN) | Kirov | 1 |
SEI School No. 627 of a Name of the General D.D. Lelyushenko | Moscow | 1 |
Russian Museum of Ethnography (RME) | St. Petersburg | 1 |
REU Ulaanbaatar branch of G.V. Plekhanov | Ulaanbaatar | 1 |
The centralized library system of the Ussuriysk city district (TsBS) | Ussuriysk | 1 |
MOE SOSH No. 12 Penza | Penza | 1 |
MADOU the Center of development of the child - kindergarten No. 453 | | 1 |
Center of Education and Culture | Petrozavodsk | 1 |
Department of Education of the Ivanovo region | Ivanovo | 1 |
Center of formation No. 170 of Kolpino district of St. Petersburg | Kolpino (Leningrad Region) | 1 |
Aratta | Kiev | 1 |
Library of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan | Astana | 1 |
Russian state technology university of K.E. Tsiolkovsky (MATI) | Moscow | 1 |
Kvantorium Fotonika, Perm | Perm | 1 |
MBOU gymnasium No. 19 of the Hero of the Soviet Union V.I. Merkulov of the city of Oryol | | 1 |
Geological museum of V.V. Yershov | Moscow | 1 |
Penza state technology university (PENZGTU) | Penza | 1 |
Chuvash republican center of new educational technologies | Cheboksary | 1 |
City psychology and pedagogical center of the Moscow Department of Education | Moscow | 1 |
Гимназия Платонова | | 1 |
Russian customs academy | | 1 |
Central Design-technology Institute of Armature Engineering (CDTIAE) | Moscow | 1 |
The University of California in San Francisco (UCSF) | | 1 |
Far East legal institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation | Khabarovsk | 1 |
Military academy of RVSN of Peter the Great | Balashikha | 1 |
Oryol TsOKO | Eagle | 1 |
Russian medical academy of life-long professional (postdegree) education RMANPO of the Russian Ministry of Health FSBEI DPO | Moscow | 1 |
VIRO, Vologda institute of development of education | Vologda | 1 |
Pacific research institute of fishery and oceanography (TINRO-center) | Vladivostok | 1 |
CHU DPO Aviatsionny training center of Severny Veter airline | | 1 |
GBPOU of the Voronezh region Ostrogozhsky multi-profile technical school | | 1 |
Murmansk college of economy and information technologies | Murmansk | 1 |
School No. 100 of the city of Nizhny Tagil | Nizhny Tagil | 1 |
DMSh of I.O. Dunayevsky (Moscow) | Moscow | 1 |
Sibak (Siberian Academic Book) | Novosibirsk | 1 |
National Restoration Center for assistance of preserving of objects of cultural heritage | Moscow | 1 |
TsBS Balashikha - The centralized library Balashikha system | Balashikha | 1 |
Stragovskoy monastery | Prague | 1 |
MOE SOSH No. 76 of the city of Yekaterinburg | Yekaterinburg | 1 |
MBOU SOSh with UIOP No. 47 of the city of Kirov | Kirov | 1 |
Ural timber university | | 1 |
Vienna Scientific Cluster VSC (Vienna scientific cluster) | Vienna | 1 |
Central city library of L.N. Tolstoy (Sevastopol) | Sevastopol | 1 |
SEI of the city of Moscow school No. 1747 | Moscow | 1 |
Siberian GPS Emercom of Russia Rescue and fire fighting Academy | Zheleznogorsk | 1 |
Kindergarten No. 193 of the city of Krasnodar | Krasnodar | 1 |
URGYUU (Ural state legal university) | Yekaterinburg | 1 |
Leningrad regional universal scientific library | St. Petersburg | 1 |
Childbirth in the world (Rodyvmire) | | 1 |
ZKMU (West Kazakhstan medical university of Marat Ospanov) | Aktobe | 1 |
Southern Ural institute of training of ChOU | Chelyabinsk | 1 |
It is alive - School of the complete movement | St. Petersburg | 1 |
Mari state university | Yoshkar-Ola | 1 |
NARSS - National Authority for Remote Sensing and Space Sciences | | 1 |
Island of the childhood | Moscow region | 1 |
Kvantorium Vladivostok | Vladivostok | 1 |
Russian Academy of Education (RAE) | Moscow | 1 |
Solution: educational video | | 1 |
Non-state memorial house museum of the archbishop Luka | Tambov | 1 |
Church museum of the Moscow diocese of Russian Orthodox Church | | 1 |
Old Ladoga historical and architectural and archaeological reserve (Old Ladoga) | | 1 |
FBU Open Source Kolledzh MID Rossii | Moscow | 1 |
Beloomutsky high comprehensive school No. 1 | | 1 |
Fund of Modern History | | 1 |
Kazakh academy of transport and communications of M. Tynyshpayev | Almaty | 1 |
Poligonpro, Career center | Moscow | 1 |
Research Center Planeta | | 1 |
Школа Меньшиковой | | 1 |
Tula Kremlin Museum exhibition complex | Tula | 1 |
Success steps | Rostov-on-Don | 1 |
Center of patriotic education Young Guard | Murmansk | 1 |
Boarding school of the VI view of Volgodonsk | Volgodonsk | 1 |
SEI NAO SSh No. 4 of Naryan-Mar with profound studying of separate objects | Naryan-Mar | 1 |
Center of the Advancing Professional Training (CAPT) of Zabaykalsky Krai | Chita | 1 |
SOShch No. 4 Kirovo-Chepetsk of the Kirov region | Kirovo-Chepetsk | 1 |
Water academy | St. Petersburg | 1 |
Bezhetsk industrial and economic college | | 1 |
Australian university of Charles Sturt University | | 1 |
Scientific research institute of applied acoustics (NIIPA) | Dubna-1 | 1 |
Tula regional medical college | Tula | 1 |
Seaside edge institute of development of education | Vladivostok | 1 |
Czech agrotechnical university | Prague | 1 |
Krasnobakovsky forest college | | 1 |
BAGSU (The Bashkir academy of public service and management at the Head of the Republic of Bashkortostan) | Ufa | 1 |
SVGU (Northeastern State University) | Magadan | 1 |
Forcing of Sales, training company | St. Petersburg | 1 |
AKU-Academy of contract managing directors | Moscow | 1 |
Novosibirsk national research state university | Novosibirsk | 1 |
Letovo school board | Moscow | 1 |
Pyatigorsk state university | Pyatigorsk | 1 |
Sportmar | Moscow | 1 |
Buzuluk district Veterinary Department | Buzuluk | 1 |
DVGMU, Far state medical Eastern Federal University | Khabarovsk | 1 |
Gymnasium No. 5 Cheboksary | Cheboksary | 1 |
The centralized library system of V.K. Arsenyev | | 1 |
Queen Mary - University of London | London | 1 |
VSPU (Voronezh State Pedagogical University) | Voronezh | 1 |
School with profound studying of French No. 1286 (SEI of the city of Moscow) | Moscow | 1 |
STC Geoproyekt-South | | 1 |
Lastolsky high school | | 1 |
Gymnasium No. 1 of the municipal entity city of Buguruslan | Buguruslan | 1 |
Russian Geographical Society (RGS) | Moscow | 1 |
GPOU Yurga technology college | Yurga | 1 |
Moscow institute of television and broadcasting of Ostankino (MITRO) | Moscow | 1 |
Academy of medico-technical science (ANO) | Moscow | 1 |
Sun, kindergarten | Nizhny Tagil | 1 |
KUBGMU, Kuban state medical university | Krasnodar | 1 |
NKTs PRM KFU (Scientific clinical center of precision and regenerative medicine of Kazan Federal University) | Kazan | 1 |
Academia English | Moscow | 1 |
Kindergarten No. 2444 Public Educational Institution | | 1 |
Cheboksary cooperative institute | Cheboksary | 1 |
Novokuybyshevsk petrotechnical educational plant | Novokuybyshevsk | 1 |
High Comprehensive School No. 3 of Tazi Gizzat | | 1 |
IIMK RAS (Institute of history of material culture of RAS) | St. Petersburg | 1 |
Troitsk high comprehensive school | | 1 |
NKPIIT, November college of professional and information technologies | Noyabrsk | 1 |
RANEPA Vladimir branch | Vladimir | 1 |
Polar scientific research institute of sea fishery and oceanography (PINRO) | Murmansk | 1 |
Gymnasium No. 36 Rostov-on-Don | Rostov-on-Don | 1 |
Antinorma (POISON) | | 1 |
Gymnasium No. 1 of the city of Sovetsk | | 1 |
KDPI of Karl Fabergé (College of arts and crafts) | Moscow | 1 |
Academy of social and economic development, Non-State Educational Institution | Moscow | 1 |
Kindergarten No. 54 Cheerful children | Arkhangelsk | 1 |
School of Psychosomatics of 2.0 (PSY2.0) | Moscow | 1 |
Moscow Banking School (MBS) | Moscow | 1 |
Central Research and Development Institute of the ship-building industry Center (Central Research Institute Center) | Moscow | 1 |
Mastery Transcript Consortium | | 1 |
Ratchinsky high comprehensive school | | 1 |
Altai state pedagogical university | Barnaul | 1 |
Don archaeological society | Rostov-on-Don | 1 |
VSAU (Voronezh State Agricultural University of a name of the emperor Peter I) | Voronezh | 1 |
SEI of Moscow School No. 1238 | Moscow | 1 |
Kurgan OSOShDO | Barrow | 1 |
Magadan universal scientific library of A.S. Pushkin | Magadan | 1 |
Dalmorneftegeofizika | | 1 |
CREWE Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (Krasnodar university Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation) | Krasnodar | 1 |
Volgograd social teacher training college | Volgograd | 1 |
Research Fund | Moscow | 1 |
SOSh No. 112 with profound studying of information science | Novokuznetsk (Kemerovo region) | 1 |
Paleontologic institute of RAS | Moscow | 1 |
IFVT of ANO (Institute of physics and high technologies) | Moscow | 1 |
Institute of technologies of the State of New Jersey | | 1 |
Perspective training center | Penza | 1 |
Katuninsky high school | | 1 |
Regressive meditation and Yogi Nidr | | 1 |
Aviabusiness | Moscow | 1 |
VGSPU, Volgograd state social and pedagogical university | Volgograd | 1 |
Moscow kindergarten No. 15 | Moscow | 1 |
Moscow technical school of space instrument making (MKTP) | Moscow | 1 |
The St. Petersburg state library for blind and visually impaired (SPBGBSS) | St. Petersburg | 1 |
School with profound studying of mathematics and information science No. 7 (SEI School No. 7) | Moscow | 1 |
Research institute of light sources of A.N. Lodygin | Saransk | 1 |
Uninter | | 1 |
Perovo USTs | | 1 |
Department of chemistry and sciences about materials of RAS | Moscow | 1 |
Intersettlement library of the Uglegorsk municipal district of the Sakhalin region | Uglegorsk | 1 |
Kindergarten No. 9 of the city of Mirny | Mirnyi (Arkhangelsk Region) | 1 |
IQ007 School of fast reading and development of intelligence | | 1 |
ITSNIT | | 1 |
TRIC (Taganrog Research Institute of Communication) | Taganrog | 1 |
Special (correctional) general education boarding school of 3-4 types | Artyom | 1 |
Seoul National University College of Medicine (Medical college of Seoul National University) | Seoul | 1 |
Tsaritsyno, TsO | Moscow | 1 |
Kvantorium Belgorod | Belgorod | 1 |
Tolyatti medical college | Togliatti | 1 |
Center of business consultation and formation of Altway | | 1 |
Map Maker | Moscow | 1 |
Novgorod Construction College | Veliky Novgorod | 1 |
Kvantorium Rybinsk | Rybinsk | 1 |
Khosta Center of additional education | Sochi | 1 |
Ikshinsky high comprehensive school | | 1 |
Intersettlement central library of A.S. Pushkin | Moscow region | 1 |
Kvantorium Tomsk | Tomsk | 1 |
VEGU academy | | 1 |
Orthodox Sacred and Tychonoff humanities university | | 1 |
Фельдшерский колледж, СПб ГБПОУ | St. Petersburg | 1 |
ChMT (Cheremkhovo medical college to them Turysheva A.A.) | | 1 |
Moscow state technical university of civil aviation (MSTU of HECTARE) | Moscow | 1 |
Academy of popular music of Igor Kruty | Moscow | 1 |
House of youthful technical creativity | Chelyabinsk | 1 |
Education academy | Moscow | 1 |
Partner, center of professional development | | 1 |
Interregional Legal Institute (ILI) | Saratov | 1 |
Institute of an optronics, system technologies and use of images of Fraunhofer IOSB | Karlsruhe | 1 |
Miras University | | 1 |
KAZUMOIMYA, Kazakh university of the international relations and world languages of a name of Abylay of the khan | Almaty | 1 |
Business training center | Moscow | 1 |
INFN (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, National Institute of nuclear physics of Italy) | | 1 |
Музей М. А. Булгакова (ГБУК г. Москвы) | Moscow | 1 |
Ural UTTs GA (Ural educational and training center of civil aviation) | Yekaterinburg | 1 |
Tokyo Womens Medical University (TWMU) | Tokyo | 1 |
High school No. 4 of the city of Velsk | | 1 |
Under the Pole (Under a pole) | | 1 |
Polytechnical college No. 8 of I.F. Pavlov, Moscow | Moscow | 1 |
SURF | Amsterdam | 1 |
High comprehensive school No. 4 of Sol-Iletsk | | 1 |
IITEM | | 1 |
Moscow state humanitarian and economic university (FGBOUI VO MGGEU) | Moscow | 1 |
Art Biscotti | | 1 |
Taraz state university of M.H. Dulati (TARGU) | | 1 |
MIGUP Ryazan branch | Ryazan | 1 |
NIPI of Oil and Gaza UGTU (NIPI of oil and gas of the Ukhta state technical university) | Ukhta | 1 |
Suleyman Demirel University (university of Süleyman Demirel) | Kaskelen | 1 |
Smart school | Saransk | 1 |
Kaliningrad regional institute of development of education | Kaliningrad | 1 |
Republican Center of Education (RCE) | Syktyvkar | 1 |
Voronezh GASU (Public Educational Institution of Higher Professional Training) | Voronezh | 1 |
ArtFuture | | 1 |
Gymnasium No. 1 of Novotroitsk of the Orenburg region | | 1 |
YuNII IT (Yugra research institute of information technologies) | Khanty-Mansiysk | 1 |
State museum of history of astronautics of K.E. Tsiolkovsky | | 1 |
Sports school of the city district of Orekhovo-Zuyevo | Orekhovo-Zuyevo | 1 |
Southern New Hampshire University | | 1 |
SEI OF OSHI NO. 1 | Moscow | 1 |
Saint Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance (SPBGUEF) | St. Petersburg | 1 |
SGU of Pitirim Sorokin (The Syktyvkar state university of Pitirim Sorokin) | Syktyvkar | 1 |
All-Russian Research Institute of hydraulic engineering of B.E. Vedeneyev (VNIIG) | St. Petersburg | 1 |
American scientific and technology university (American University of Science & Technology) | Beirut | 1 |
Usmansky industrial and technology college, Open Source FSEI | | 1 |
Moscow institute of welfare programs | Moscow | 1 |
High comprehensive school No. 5 of Sol-Iletsk | | 1 |
Center of remote formation of Krasnoyarsk Krai | Krasnoyarsk | 1 |
Technology college No. 34 | Moscow | 1 |
SOSh No. 18 of Lipetsk (High comprehensive school No. 18 of the city of Lipetsk) | Lipetsk | 1 |
IPKSZ Institute of advanced training of specialists of health care | Khabarovsk | 1 |
Coalition of the Srednezapadny universities of the USA (Midwestern Higher Education Compact, MHEC) | | 1 |
NSHC (The Singapore training center) | | 1 |
Bauman engineering school No. 1580 | Moscow | 1 |
MBDOU Kindergarten No. 539 | Yekaterinburg | 1 |
Yelets state university of I.A. Bunin | | 1 |
Ashchebutaksky high comprehensive school | | 1 |
Chinese University of Hong Kong | Hong Kong | 1 |
Academy of digital technologies | St. Petersburg | 1 |
Republican Information Centre of Quality Evaluation of Education (RICQEE) | Syktyvkar | 1 |
Tula regional universal scientific library | Tula | 1 |
Binh Duong University (BDU) | | 1 |
VKGTU of D. Serikbayev the East Kazakhstan state technical university | Ust-Kamenogorsk | 1 |
NPO Rivs | | 1 |
Uglegorsk municipal archive of the Sakhalin region | Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk | 1 |
National Measurement Institute (NMI) | | 1 |
Uniform Center of the Higher Remote Education (UCHRE) | Moscow | 1 |
Regional assessment center of quality of education of the Oryol region | Eagle | 1 |
Connetics – Electrical Utilities Contractor Christchurch in New Zealand | | 1 |
Masarikov university (Masarykova univerzita) | | 1 |
University of St. Gallen (Universität St Gallen) | | 1 |
Dalrybvtuz (Far state technical fishery Eastern Federal University) | Vladivostok | 1 |
Raman school (SEI SOSh No. 1240) | Moscow | 1 |
Lyceum 1828 "Saburovo" | Moscow | 1 |
MAOU SOSh No. 30 Tyumen | Tyumen | 1 |
Komi scientific center of the Ural department of the Russian Academy of Sciences | Syktyvkar | 1 |
Center of corporate training | | 1 |
Tver institute of car building, closed joint stock company | Tver | 1 |
Siberian scientific research institute of poultry farming (SIBNIIP) | Omsk region, Omsk district | 1 |
Studio of military artists of M.B. Grekov | Moscow | 1 |
Moscow humanitarian institute of E.R. Dashkova | Moscow | 1 |
MAOU SOSh No. 67 Tyumen | Tyumen | 1 |
Non-state educational institution of higher education University of the Russian Academy of Education | | 1 |
IHOIK RAO (Institute of art education and cultural science of the Russian Academy of Education) | Moscow | 1 |
Kindergarten No. 132 Scarlet sails of the city of Arkhangelsk | Arkhangelsk | 1 |
Altai industrial and economic college | Barnaul | 1 |
Kdengam | Naberezhnye Chelny | 1 |
Suvorov Military School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation | St. Petersburg | 1 |
GENCI - Grand Equipement National De Calcul Intensif | Paris | 1 |
M-Logos | Moscow | 1 |
Northern UGMS | Arkhangelsk | 1 |
Kindergarten No. 3 of the compensating type (Dzerzhinsk) | Dzerzhinsk | 1 |
Pepelyshevsky main comprehensive school | | 1 |
Center of productive education | Moscow | 1 |
School No. 601 of St. Petersburg | St. Petersburg | 1 |
Moscow youth multifunction center (State Budgetary Institution Molodezhny center of the North-Eastern Administrative District) | Moscow | 1 |
Kargopolsky historical and architectural and art museum | | 1 |
Tyumen state medical academy | Tyumen | 1 |
Milyutinsky intersettlement central library | | 1 |
Intrum | Krasnoyarsk | 1 |
VF MGYuA (Vologda branch of the Moscow state legal academy of O.E. Kutafin) | Vologda | 1 |
BELNITSED | Minsk | 1 |
The RM Group (University of Oxford) | | 1 |
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (The university of Aristotle in Thessaloniki) | | 1 |
Intersettlement Central library of Mikhail Vasilyevich Naumov | | 1 |
Moscow multi-profile technical school of L.B. Krasin | Moscow | 1 |
URGPU (Ural state pedagogical university) | Yekaterinburg | 1 |
Film Connection School of motion picture arts | Los Angeles | 1 |
Department of Education of New York | New York | 1 |
Rutgers | New Jersy | 1 |
Kvantorium Omsk (Omsk regional station of young technicians) | Omsk | 1 |
RRS training center | Moscow | 1 |
Samara Training center | Samara | 1 |
State school district No. 44 (Northern Vancouver) | | 1 |
Institute of Business and Business Administration of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Service under the President of the Russian Federation | Moscow | 1 |
IKP of Russian joint stock company (Institute of correctional pedagogics of the Russian Academy of Education) | Moscow | 1 |
Humpbacked Horse kindergarten No. 115 | Nizhny Novgorod | 1 |
Robolab | Minsk | 1 |
Business school | | 1 |
Palace of creativity of children and youth of the city of Norilsk | Norilsk | 1 |
Moscow institute of economy, policy and right | Moscow | 1 |
East Siberian state university of technologies and management (VSGUTU) | Ulan-Ude | 1 |
Ural industrial and economic technical school | Yekaterinburg | 1 |
SPBGPMU (St. Petersburg state pediatric medical university) | St. Petersburg | 1 |
Kindergarten No. 21 of the combined townscape of Buzuluk | Buzuluk | 1 |
Private school Bullfinches | Moscow | 1 |
Tomsk regional institute of advanced training and retraining of educators (OGOU DPO) | Tomsk | 1 |
Technopark of IT (IT Park) | Chelyabinsk | 1 |
Kutkarusha Tau-Ken | settlement of Kyzemshek | 1 |
High comprehensive school No. 3 of Abdulino | | 1 |
Mikhaylovsky military artillery academy | St. Petersburg | 1 |
Baikal Center of the Training | Irkutsk | 1 |
Odintsovo humanitarian institute | Odintsovo (Moscow Region) | 1 |
Institute of problems of information science of the Russian Academy of Sciences, IPI RAS | Moscow | 1 |
Professional school No. 31 of the city of Bakala | Glass | 1 |
YIP RAHN Institute of applied astronomy of RAS | St. Petersburg | 1 |
Kurchatov school | Moscow | 1 |
Kazakhstan-Russian Medical University | Almaty | 1 |
Scientific Research Institute of Economics of the Ministry of Economics of Republic of Belarus | Minsk | 1 |
Square Kilometre Array | | 1 |
Saratov military of the Order of Zhukov institute of the National Guard Troops Decorated with the Order of the Red Banner of the Russian Federation | Saratov | 1 |
School of programming | Moscow | 1 |
Giprobiosintez | Moscow | 1 |
Center of collective use of D.I. Mendeleyev (TsKP) | Moscow | 1 |
MBDOU Kindergarten No. 130 | Murmansk | 1 |
Kindergarten No. 20 of the city of Arkhangelsk | Arkhangelsk | 1 |
Varna technical university | Varna | 1 |
Samara regional universal scientific library | Samara | 1 |
YOU BLAME RAS | Moscow | 1 |
The South Ukrainian national pedagogical university of K.D. Ushinsky - YuGPU | | 1 |
Malyshok kindergarten (Novoilyinsky) | | 1 |
Kaliningrad state technical university | Kaliningrad | 1 |
Kindergarten Alenka Dmitriyevka | | 1 |
State patent and technical library of the Republic Kyrgyzstan | Bishkek | 1 |
Fermilab | | 1 |
Brest center of preparation, advanced training and retraining of workers | Brest | 1 |
State archive of the Yaroslavl region | Yaroslavl | 1 |
Freedom of speech Linguistic school | | 1 |
Institute of complex strategic researches | Moscow | 1 |
The center of education No. 1 – humanitarian and mathematical lyceum of a name of the Hero of Russia Gorshkov D. E. | Tula | 1 |
Byrminsky main comprehensive school | | 1 |
Astrakhan State Architectural and Construction University (ASACU) | Astrakhan | 1 |
Kandalaksha industrial college | Kandalaksha | 1 |
TAC (Tomsk Agrarian College) | Tomsk | 1 |
Military-medical university of the USA (Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences) | | 1 |
Moscow state academy of thin chemical industry | Moscow | 1 |
Kindergarten No. 3 of the compensating type Monchegorsk | Monchegorsk | 1 |
Gymnasium No. 2 Balashikha | Balashikha | 1 |
SEI school No. 315 | Pavlovsk | 1 |
Inter Eyre Center of youth programs | Moscow | 1 |
Region 14 Center of educational services | | 1 |
Youth Center of studying of Financial Transactions (MTsFO) | | 1 |
All-Russian Correspondence Financial and Economic Institute (ARCFEI) | | 1 |
National scientific and technology holding Parasat | Astana | 1 |
Rybnovsky boarding school for orphan children and children without parental support | | 1 |
Izhevsk state medical academy | Izhevsk | 1 |
Vidnovsky Art and Technical Lyceum (VATL) | Moscow region | 1 |
Educational advice center (Yoshkar-Ola) | Yoshkar-Ola | 1 |
Central university of economy and finance | Beijing | 1 |
MBOU SOSh No. 10 of A.K. Astrakhov | Moscow region | 1 |
Institute of retraining and advanced training of the managerial personnel and specialists of a system of social protection of the population of Moscow | Moscow | 1 |
SEI of the city of Moscow school No. 950 | Moscow | 1 |
SOSh No. 30 Balashikha | Balashikha | 1 |
St. Petersburg Interregional Resource Center | St. Petersburg | 1 |
MBOU Art and esthetic lyceum No. 98 | Izhevsk | 1 |
Penza State Technology Academy (PSTA) | Penza | 1 |
North Sea technology college | | 1 |
Baikal international business school (BMBSh IGU) | Irkutsk | 1 |
Institute of language, literature and art (IYaLI) of G. Ibragimov of Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan | Kazan | 1 |
High comprehensive school No. 5 (Karpinsk) | Karpinsk | 1 |
Voronezh Institute of High Technologies (VIHT) | Voronezh | 1 |
Russian Humanitarian Scientific Fund (RHSF) | Moscow | 1 |
SOSh No. 8 Balashikha | Balashikha | 1 |
The higher economic school | Moscow | 1 |
Kronstadt sea cadet military body (KMKK) | Kronstadt | 1 |
Moscow Academy of an entrepreneurship, Blagoveshchensk branch | Blagoveshchensk | 1 |
MTC (Makhachkala Training Centre) | Makhachkala | 1 |
Linguist of Non-State Educational Institution | | 1 |
Sharlyksky technical technical school | | 1 |
Jurisprudence PIP Institute | Minsk | 1 |
Trioniks fund | Kursk | 1 |
SOSh No. 17 Serpukhov | Serpukhov | 1 |
Lomonosov Moscow State University - Economics department | Moscow | 1 |
The Bentley university in Uoltham (Massachusetts, the USA) | | 1 |
Kama humanitarian and technical college | Naberezhnye Chelny | 1 |
Regional institute of professional development | Veliky Novgorod | 1 |
Chernorechensky high comprehensive school of a name of the gentleman Orden of the Red Star of Gonyshev A. I. | | 1 |
State autonomous educational institution of DPO Institute of development of education of the Republic of Tatarstan | Kazan | 1 |
Museum of the Future (Museum of the future of Dubai) | Dubai | 1 |
Moscow military and musical school | Moscow | 1 |
Volgograd State Academy of Post-qualifying Education (VSAPQE) | Volgograd | 1 |
State central museum of cinema | Moscow | 1 |
YUURIBF (Southern Ural institute of biophysics of Federal Medical Biological Agency) | Ozyorsk | 1 |
Uspensky high comprehensive school of the Vyazma district of the Smolensk region | | 1 |
East European university of economy and management | | 1 |
MOGNB fund of N.K. Krupskaya | Moscow region | 1 |
HKIRSPO, Khabarovsk edge institute of development of a system of professional education | Khabarovsk | 1 |
Kindergarten No. 847 | Moscow | 1 |
Kharkiv aviation institute (National space university) | Kharkiv | 1 |
School studio of the Edge | Sarov | 1 |
Regional training center Suponevo | | 1 |
Department of education of the Oryol district | | 1 |
International gymnasium of the innovation center Skolkovo | Skolkovo | 1 |
High comprehensive school No. 67 of Tomsk | Tomsk | 1 |
European university | Kiev | 1 |
Moscow New Legal Institute (MNLI) | Moscow | 1 |
Creativity Center of out-of-school education Samara | Samara | 1 |
SOSh No. 10 city of Reutov (High comprehensive school No. 10 Reutov) | Reutov | 1 |
Slantsevsky high comprehensive school No. 2 | | 1 |
MBOU SOSh No. 4 of the municipal entity resort town of Anapa of a name of the Hero of the Russian Federation V.M. Evskin | Anapa | 1 |
Novgorod Kvantorium | Veliky Novgorod | 1 |
University Of Alaska Anchorage (Anchorage Alaska University) | | 1 |
Caspian Training Group | Almaty | 1 |
Center of Information and Technical Support, Microfilming and Restoration (CITS,MR) | Veliky Novgorod | 1 |
The Evenki centralized library system | | 1 |
Aktyubinsk regional universal scientific library of S. Baishev | Aktobe | 1 |
Karavelov Lyuben library | | 1 |
BOU of Omsk High educational school No. 36 | Omsk | 1 |
STC Rainbow | Moscow | 1 |
Institute of the regional HR policy | Belgorod | 1 |
VOLGA - Volgograd state university | Volgograd | 1 |
Institute of Africa of RAS | Moscow | 1 |
3 Central Research Institutes Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation (3 Central Research and Development Institute | Moscow | 1 |
The highest theatrical school of M.S. Shchepkin | Moscow | 1 |
Belgeodeziya | | 1 |
Irkutsk State University (ISU) | Irkutsk | 1 |
Irkutsk aviation technical school | Irkutsk | 1 |
MBOU Lyceum No. 24 of P.S. Prikhodko | Rubtsovsk | 1 |
GBPOU Ural chemical and technology college | | 1 |
Auto pilot (training) | | 1 |
Omsk Russian Interior Ministry Academy | Omsk | 1 |
Chapayevsk chemical and technology technical school | | 1 |
The centralized library system of the city Nur sultan | | 1 |
Miass high comprehensive school No. 1 | | 1 |
Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University (KSPU) of V.P. Astafyev | Krasnoyarsk | 1 |
High comprehensive school No. 1 of Protvino | Protvino | 1 |
Teacher training college of N.K. Kalugin | Orenburg | 1 |
Atlantic university of Florida Atlantic University | Boca Raton | 1 |
Grozny oil technical university of M.D. Millionshchikov | Grozny | 1 |
St. Petersburg humanities university of labor unions | St. Petersburg | 1 |
High comprehensive school No. 36 of Vladimir | Vladimir | 1 |
MBOU New and Iglaykinskaya high comprehensive school of the Nurlatsky municipal District of Republic of Tatarstan | | 1 |
OGBUDO, Resource center of additional education | Ryazan | 1 |
Boarding school No. 30 | Moscow | 1 |
Siberian state university of physical culture and sport (SIBGUFK) | Omsk | 1 |
NIIPI town planning | Moscow | 1 |
Bashkir state university (BASHGU) | | 1 |
Chelyabinsk medical college | Chelyabinsk | 1 |
Nizhny Novgorod Russian Interior Ministry Academy | Nizhny Novgorod | 1 |
Kindergarten No. 2 of the village Nekrasovka | | 1 |
The military and technical university at Federal Agency for Special Construction | Moscow | 1 |
Cambridge Assessments | | 1 |
MBOU High comprehensive school No. 20 of V.G. Ryazanov | | 1 |
Amursky regional scientific library of N.N. Muravyev-Amursky | | 1 |
Jain University | | 1 |
Academy of infocommunication technologies (DAIKT Kazakhtelecom) | Almaty | 1 |
Russian college of traditional culture | St. Petersburg | 1 |
MBOU the Gymnasium of S.V. Kovalevskaya | Velikiye Luki | 1 |
MBOU Mezhdurechensk high comprehensive school | | 1 |
Mining NIPI | Perm | 1 |
State archive of the Oryol region | Eagle | 1 |
Kvantorium Tver | Tver | 1 |
EQE (Education Quality Evaluation) | Moscow | 1 |
Universidad de Oriente | | 1 |
NTUU KPI (National technical university of Ukraine Kiev polytechnical institute of Igor Sikorsky) | Kiev | 1 |
New school | Ufa | 1 |
Azerotekh (TsNIP SDM) | | 1 |
Gymnasium No. 49 of the city of Tyumen | Tyumen | 1 |
Moscow State University of fine chemical tecnmologies (MITHT) | Moscow | 1 |
Rescue and fire fighting college, St. Petersburg center of training of rescuers | St. Petersburg | 1 |
MBOU Center of formation No. 8 of a name of the Hero of the Soviet Union D.P. Tikhmyanov | Tula | 1 |
State Budgetary Institution DO SDYUSSHOR on hockey | Tver | 1 |
SEI of the city of Moscow School No. 7 | Moscow | 1 |
BFK Missile defense | Tyumen | 1 |
Kindergarten No. 58 of Ufa | Ufa | 1 |
RDK TsKS (District Recreation center with the centralized club system) | | 1 |
Educational resources and technology training (World ORT) | | 1 |
State Museum of Oriental Art | Moscow | 1 |
SPBGIK (St. Petersburg state institute of culture) | St. Petersburg | 1 |
Englishland | | 1 |
GBPOU of the city of Moscow College of railway and city transport | Moscow | 1 |
Future Russia First social and engineering park | | 1 |
Institute of work (Scientific Research Institute TSS) | Moscow | 1 |
Museum of defense of Moscow | Moscow | 1 |
Ural Financial and Legal institute | Yekaterinburg | 1 |
Karelian institute of development of education | Petrozavodsk | 1 |
Automobile educational plant | | 1 |
Institute of business and policy | Moscow | 1 |
Institute of state procurements | Moscow | 1 |
Balashikha technical school | Balashikha | 1 |
International school Exupery (Exupery International School) | Threshing barn | 1 |
Garbolovsky school | | 1 |
LGBUVPIS of federal state institution | | 1 |
Institute of economic researches RK | | 1 |
Institute of mineralogy, geochemistry and crystal chemistry of rare elements (IMGRE) | Moscow | 1 |
North Caucasian legal institute (branch) | Cherkessk | 1 |
Chuvash state university of I.N. Ulyanov (ChGU) | Cheboksary | 1 |
Luhansk State Medical University (LSMU) | Luhansk | 1 |
Vladimir institute of advanced training of L.I. Novikova (VIPKRO) | Vladimir | 1 |
Moscow School of Programmers (MSP) | Moscow | 1 |
Department of national education of Administration of Shchuchansky district | | 1 |
Alpha Promek | Yekaterinburg | 1 |
High comprehensive school No. 1 of the settlement Big Isakovo of the Guryev region of the Kaliningrad region | | 1 |
National library of Saints Kirill and Mefodiy | Sofia | 1 |
ARZHS | Moscow | 1 |
Federation Okinawa Karate of Russia (FOKR) | Moscow | 1 |
West Siberian test center (Zsicentre) | Novokuznetsk (Kemerovo region) | 1 |
Nurlatsky gymnasium of M.E. Sergeev | | 1 |
Infocomm Service | Moscow | 1 |
Chuvash Republican Library for Children and Young People (CRLCYP) | | 1 |
North Caucasian mining and metallurgical institute of SKGMI (GTU) | Vladikavkaz | 1 |
AVF Inform | Moscow | 1 |
Yaroslavl state university of P.G. Demidov | Yaroslavl | 1 |
Орловская детская хореографическая школа | Eagle | 1 |
State public historical library of Russia (GPIB of Russia) | Moscow | 1 |
School 41 Harmony Samara | Samara | 1 |
GU School lyceum No. 35 | Uralsk | 1 |
Kazan branch of the Russian academy of justice | Kazan | 1 |
Center of formation of the city of Belgorod No. 15 | Belgorod | 1 |
School 44 (Omsk) | Omsk | 1 |
TRSIDRE (Tyumen Regional State Institute of Development of Regional Education) | Tyumen | 1 |
Research institute of a reprography (Federal State Unitary Enterprise NIIR) | Tula | 1 |
National library of the Republic of Abkhazia | | 1 |
SPBGIPSR SPb of Public Educational Institution of Higher Professional Training | | 1 |
School No. 24 of Novocherkassk | Novocherkassk | 1 |
University of Potsdam (Potsdam) | | 1 |
Executive MBA, EMBA (School of leadership of MBA) | Moscow | 1 |
Center of hydrometeorological service (Uzgidromet) | | 1 |
Baltic state technical university Military Mechanical Institute of D.F. Ustinov (BGTU Military Mechanical Institute) | St. Petersburg | 1 |
Crimean republican universal scientific library to them. I.Ya. Franko | | 1 |
Volga branch of National research institute of MEI | Volzhsky | 1 |
UGMU, Ural state medical university | Yekaterinburg | 1 |
Smolensk regional universal library of A.T. Tvardovsky | Smolensk | 1 |
Municipal educational institution Luzinsky School No. 2 | Omsk region | 1 |
Scientific Research Institute SVT (Research institute of computer aids) | Kirov | 1 |
Kindergarten No. 270 (Barnaul) | Barnaul | 1 |
St. Petersburg public budget professional educational institution Industrial and economic college | St. Petersburg | 1 |
MBA Strategy | Kiev | 1 |
MBOU Pecherskaya high school of the Smolensk district of the Smolensk region | | 1 |
MAOU SOSh No. 22 Yekaterinburg | Yekaterinburg | 1 |
Center of education school of health 2005 | Moscow | 1 |
High comprehensive school No. 23 Balashikha | Balashikha | 1 |
Far Eastern State Technical University (DVPI of V.V.Kuibyshev) | Vladivostok | 1 |
Tianjin University of trade | | 1 |
St. Petersburg state museum of theatrical and musical art | St. Petersburg | 1 |
MBOU Gymnasium No. 123 | Barnaul | 1 |
MBOU Vsevolodovsky high comprehensive school No. 42 | | 1 |
Business Es-Er-Si school (SRC) | Moscow | 1 |
MBDOU kindergarten No. 5 of Odintsovo | Moscow region | 1 |
Academy of work, social relations and tourism (Ukraine) | | 1 |
Samara Institute of Management (SIM) | Samara | 1 |
International academy of researches of the future | Moscow | 1 |
SEI of the city of Moscow School No. 1526 on Pokrovskaya | Moscow | 1 |
Nikolaev national university of V.O. Sukhomlinsky | | 1 |
Rostov sanatorium boarding school No. 28 | Rostov-on-Don | 1 |
Chelyabinsk professional college (CHELPK) | Chelyabinsk | 1 |
Bohr school No. 2 | Bohr | 1 |
Komi-Permyak museum of local lore of P.I. Subbotin Resident of Perm | | 1 |
St. Petersburg State University of cinema and television (SPBGUKIT) | St. Petersburg | 1 |
Sakha Polytechnical lyceum of the city district city of Yakutsk | Yakutsk | 1 |
High comprehensive school No. 2 of Sol-Iletsk | Sol-Iletsk | 1 |
Oil and gas industry Center of the innovation training | Nizhnevartovsk | 1 |
Ministry of Education of the Republic of Cameroon | | 1 |
Volkhov polytechnical technical school | Volkhov (Leningrad Region) | 1 |
VGUYu RPA Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation | Moscow | 1 |
UrYuI Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (Ural legal institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation) | Yekaterinburg | 1 |
Volunteer Society for Cooperation with the Army, Aviation, and Fleet of Russia | Moscow | 1 |
EBC (Ecological and Biological Center) | Astrakhan | 1 |
Moscow financial and industrial academy | Moscow | 1 |
Institute of Technology of supersolid and new carbon materials (TISNUM) | Moscow region | 1 |
ENU to them L.N. Gumileva (Eurasian national university) | | 1 |
VF DVYuI Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation Vladivostoksky branch of the Far East legal institute | Vladivostok | 1 |
High comprehensive school No. 28 of Ivanovo | Ivanovo | 1 |
GBPOU RO Volgodonsk technical school of information technologies, business and design of V.V. Samarsky | Volgodonsk | 1 |
Institute of power engineering and electrical equipment (IEMET) | St. Petersburg | 1 |
NO. 95 MBOU SOSH | | 1 |
Trans-Ural humanitarian Institute of Technology | Barrow | 1 |
All-Russian Research Institute of a flowmeter survey of federal state unitary enterprise | Kazan | 1 |
Schools of the Ussuriysk district of Primorsky Krai | Ussuriysk | 1 |
KGPU of U. Sultangazin (the Kostanay State Pedagogical University) | Kostanay | 1 |
Moscow construction college No. 38 | Moscow | 1 |
Moscow institute of examination and tests (MIEI) | Moscow | 1 |
EMLI No. 29 (Economic-mathematical lyceum No. 29) | Izhevsk | 1 |
Center of Researches of Payment Systems and Calculations | St. Petersburg | 1 |
Murinsky center of education No. 1 (Murinsky TsO No. 1) | | 1 |
State Gemological Center of Ukraine (SGCU) | Kiev | 1 |
Composite Solyyushen | Moscow | 1 |
St. Petersburg Academic university (scientific and education center of nanotechnologies SPBAU RAHN) | St. Petersburg | 1 |
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (Karlsruher Institut für Technologie, KIT) | | 1 |
Computer and information center of Society of Max Planck (Max Planck Computing and Data Facility, MPCDF) | | 1 |
State budgetary institution of the Kaliningrad region professional educational organization Teacher training college | | 1 |
Blagoveshchensk Branch of the Moscow Academy of an Entrepreneurship (BBMAE) | Blagoveshchensk | 1 |
Moscow planetarium | Moscow | 1 |
Institute of professional education of Vladimir Velmovsky | Nizhny Novgorod | 1 |
UCAR University corporation of atmospheric researches | | 1 |
The centralized library system of the city of Gatchina of MU | Gatchina (Leningrad Region) | 1 |
Institute of mathematics and mechanics of the Ural department of RAS | | 1 |
St. Petersburg state Institute of Technology | St. Petersburg | 1 |
Kazakh national pedagogical university of a name of Abay | Almaty | 1 |
FPI RPA (Fund of legal researches of the Russian legal academy of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation) | Moscow | 1 |
Kazan legal institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation | Kazan | 1 |
Penza regional library of M.Yu. Lermontov | Penza | 1 |
Dagestan State Pedagogical University | Makhachkala | 1 |
Dubovsky teacher training college | Dubovka | 1 |
University of Connecticut (Connecticut university) | | 1 |
Ancor education center | Cheboksary | 1 |
Small academy of Sciences of the Sakha (Yakutia) Republic | | 1 |
Izhevsk state agricultural academy | Izhevsk | 1 |
The Moscow Academy of an entrepreneurship at the Government of Moscow | Moscow | 1 |
SRAM (Samara Regional Art Museum) | Samara | 1 |
Institute of social and psychological adaptation and health of the nation | Komsomolsk-on-Amur | 1 |
Adygei state university | Maykop | 1 |
Bulgarian Islamic academy | | 1 |
Nizhny Novgorod state agricultural academy (NGSHA) | Nizhny Novgorod | 1 |
Pokrovsk high comprehensive school of the Sol-Iletsk city district | | 1 |
NCAR National center of atmospheric researches | | 1 |
Intekh | | 1 |
Archive fund of Murmansk region | Murmansk | 1 |
Alibra (Runov) School | | 1 |
FSBEI UMTS ZHDT | Moscow | 1 |
CSIC (Chelyabinsk State Institute of Culture) | Chelyabinsk | 1 |
RNIIRS (Rostov-on-Don research institute of a radio communication) | Rostov-on-Don | 1 |
Electronic archive | | 1 |
University of applied sciences of Lucerne (Hochschule Luzern HSLU, HSLU) | | 1 |
St. Petersburg institute of Interior Ministry Troops of the Russian Federation | St. Petersburg | 1 |
Briyentsky high comprehensive school | | 1 |
Rostov college of arts | Rostov-on-Don | 1 |
International institute of economy and right (Non-State Educational Institution MIEP) | Moscow | 1 |
RTsDOD, Regional center of additional education of children | Vologda | 1 |
Museum of Moscow | Moscow | 1 |
Volgograd Conservatory of P.A. Serebryakov | Volgograd | 1 |
Research Institute of Power Constructions (RIPC) | | 1 |
Lyceum of the Sol-Iletsk district of the Orenburg region | Sol-Iletsk | 1 |
Academy of civil aviation | Almaty | 1 |
Almetyevsk polytechnical technical school | Almetyevsk | 1 |
Murmansk state regional universal scientific library | Murmansk | 1 |
Odintsovo lyceum No. 6 of A.S. Pushkin | Odintsovo (Moscow Region) | 1 |
Volgograd boarding school No. 5 | Volgograd | 1 |
Krasnoyarsk high comprehensive school | | 1 |
Professional institute of law | | 1 |
Moscow social and economic institute | Moscow | 1 |