Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

Science and education

Technical university UMMCVerkhnyaya Pyshma8
St. Petersburg international institute of management (IMISP)St. Petersburg7
Volgograd state technical university (VOLGGTU)Volgograd7
Samara state technical university (SAMGTU)Samara6
Moscow state machine-building university (MAMI)Moscow6
St. Petersburg state architectural and construction university (SPBGASU)St. Petersburg6
State University of Management (SUM)Moscow6
Far Eastern Federal UniversityVladivostok5
National Library of Russia (NLR)St. Petersburg5
Penza State University (PSU)Penza5
Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR)Dubna5
Russian academy of justiceMoscow5
Committee on Education of St. PetersburgSt. Petersburg5
Russian State Trade and Economic University (RSTEU)Moscow5
Nazarbaev UniversitetAstana5
North Caucasian Federal University (NCFU)Stavropol5
Ural State University of Railway Transport (URGUPS)Yekaterinburg5
South Ural State University (SUSU)Chelyabinsk5
Institute of development of education of Sverdlovsk regionYekaterinburg4
Central research institute of KrylovSt. Petersburg4
Moscow city university of management of the Government of Moscow (MGUU)Moscow4
Russian legal academy of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian FederationMoscow4
Sea state university of a name of the admiral G.I. NevelskyVladivostok4
Scientific research institute of applied chemistryMoscow region4
Altai State Technical University to them I I Polzunov (ALTGTU)Barnaul4
Star of Scientific Production Enterprise of G.I. SeverinMoscow region4
Belgorod university of cooperation, economy and rightBelgorod4
Kolomna - the State memorial estate the estateMoscow4
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University in Alma-AtaAlmaty4
Total dictation4
Ministry of Education and Science of Dagestan4
Ural state economic university (URGEU)Yekaterinburg4
Altai state pedagogical academyBarnaul4
StudyLab GroupMoscow4
MESI - Moscow State University of economy, statistics and information scienceMoscow4
Sochi State University (SSU)Sochi4
St. Petersburg medico-social instituteSt. Petersburg4
Academy of the Public fire service Emercom of Russia4
East European leading research and design institute of energy technologies, joint stock company (VNIPIET)St. Petersburg4
Modern humanitarian academy Non-State Educational InstitutionMoscow3
Moscow Center of Quality of Education (MCQE)Moscow3
Moscow Business SchoolMoscow3
Institute of Problems of an Entrepreneurship (IPE)Kiev3
Russian Institute of Strategic Researches (RISR)Moscow3
Gazprom, training center3
Corporate university Russian RailwayMoscow3
Dwelling TsNIIEPMoscow3
Izhevsk state technical university (IZHGTU)Izhevsk3
The international independent ekologo-politological university - MNEPUPenza3
All-Russian state tax academyMoscow3
Moscow architectural institute (MARHI)Moscow3
Northwest institute of management - RANEPA branchSt. Petersburg3
Scientific and technological center of the power pool system (STC of EEC) before NIIPTSt. Petersburg3
Petrozavodsk state university (Petrgu)Petrozavodsk3
SOGU (North Ossetian state university of K.L. Khetagurov)Vladikavkaz3
Military and air academy of Zhukovsky and Gagarin (VUNTs Air Force "VVA")Voronezh3
Tula state university, TULGUTula3
Yuzhniigiprogaz instituteDonetsk3
Corporate Academy of RosatomMoscow3
Moscow Financial and Legal Academy (MFLA)Moscow3
Interdepartmental supercomputer center RAS (JSCC RAS)Moscow3
Institute of engineering physics3
Central universal scientific library of N.A. NekrasovMoscow3
Belgorod state technology university of Shukhov (BGTU)Belgorod3
Rostov State Economic University (RINH)Rostov-on-Don3
RIKEN (Rikagaku Kenkyūsho)Waco3
MADOU Starotavlarovsky kindergarten (RB)Buzdyaksky district2
Case western reserve University (Case Western Reserve University)2
MADOU Urzaybashsky kindergarten (RB)Urzaybash2
MADOU Urtakulsky kindergarten (RB)Urtakul2
MADOU Gafuriysky kindergarten (RB)Gafuri2
Ufa legal institute FGKOU of a Higher Professional Education of UYuI Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian FederationUfa2
MBOU lyceum No. 9 (Krasnoyarsk)Krasnoyarsk2
Institute of applied mathematics of M.V. KeldyshMoscow2
The Omsk state university - OMGU of F.M. DostoyevskyOmsk2
St. Petersburg state chemical and pharmaceutical universitySt. Petersburg2
DSUNE (Dagestan State University of the National Economy)2
RC MEIMoscow2
Institute of high-current electronicsTomsk2
Baltic State Academy of the Fishery Fleet (BSAFF)Kaliningrad2
Institute of Special Pedagogics and psychologySt. Petersburg2
Institute of problems of chemical energy technologies of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science2
St. Petersburg Akmeologichesky AcademySt. Petersburg2
Research institute of bridges and defectoscopy of FAZhT, federal state unitary enterpriseSt. Petersburg2
Institute of Divinity and PhilosophySt. Petersburg2
International school of the Gertsenovsky universitySt. Petersburg2
State Museum of the History of ReligionSt. Petersburg2
Center of medical pedagogicsMoscow2
Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет сервиса и экономики ГОУВПО СпбГУСЭSt. Petersburg2
Center of modern personnel training2
Museum of Modern HistoryMoscow2
LGPU - Lipetsk state pedagogical university of a name of Items of Semenova-Tyan-ShanskogoLipetsk2
Lomonosov private schoolMoscow2
Master of TEHMoscow2
Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts library of A.S. PushkinMoscow2
Gipronikel instituteMoscow2
BRIEP (Buryat Republican Institute of Educational Policy)Ulan-Ude2
IntariSt. Petersburg2
Nizhnevartovsk state universityNizhnevartovsk2
TNG-Geoseys, Scientific and production enterprise of geological modelingTyumen2
The Kazakh national technical university of K.I. Satpayev - KAZNTU2
Step to the future, education centerMoscow2
State scientific research institute of systems analysis of Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation (Scientific Research Institute JV)Moscow2
Temocentre (Moscow center of technology modernization of education)Moscow2
Tver State UniversityTver2
Scientific research institute of motherhood and childhood of GorodkovIvanovo2
SKIRO PK and missile defense Stavropol edge institute of development of education of advanced training and retraining of workers of imagesStavropol2
St. Petersburg institute of nuclear physics of B.P. Konstantinov (PIYaF) Kurchatov Institute National Research CentreGatchina (Leningrad Region)2
Narkhoz universityAlmaty2
State biological museum of K.A. TimiryazevMoscow2
Kindergarten Municipal Preschool Educational Institution No. 258Omsk2
International academy of business and new technologies (MUBINT)Yaroslavl2
Moscow School of Economy (MShE Lomonosov Moscow State University)Moscow2
Ryazan state medical university Of the academician I.P. PavlovRyazan2
Biologists for conservation, Charitable public organizationMoscow2
Moscow Center of educational technologies (I-school) (Center of education "Technology of training")Moscow2
Mosgortransniiproyekt, SUEMoscow2
International academy of business and managementMoscow2
Voronezh Institute of the Ministry of Internal AffairsVoronezh2
The state university on land managementMoscow2
ISMAPGE (Irkutsk State Medical Academy for Post-Graduate Education)Irkutsk2
The federal agency on science and innovationsMoscow2
Institute of New Technologies (INT)Moscow2
NIIPKI (SPBAEP)St. Petersburg2
East European institute of psychoanalysisSt. Petersburg2
RSUJ (Russian State University of Justice)Moscow2
S7 TrainingMoscow region2
School No. 760 of A.P. MaresyevMoscow2
Michurinsk state agricultural universityMichurinsk2
Astrakhan state universityAstrakhan2
Federal agency by trainingMoscow2
International institute of the labor and social relations (MITSO)Minsk2
Petrovsky collegeSt. Petersburg2
Музей-усадьба П.И. Чайковского в г. ВоткинскеVotkinsk2
Stavropol state medical universityStavropol2
Moscow automobile and road state technical university (Moscow Administrative Road Inspectorate)Moscow2
Moscow Lyceum of information technologies No. 1533 (LIT)Moscow2
Institute of oceanology of P.P. Shirshov2
UGMS of the Republic of TatarstanKazan2
Kursk state medical universityKursk2
Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of TatarstanKazan2
Institute of professional administration and complex energy efficiency of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian FederationMoscow2
Moscow international higher school of business of MIRBISMoscow2
Moscow regional musical college of S.S. ProkofievPushkino2
Federal Research Institute of System Researches of RAS scientific center (FNTs SRISA RAS)Moscow2
Naberezhnye Chelny State Trade Institute of Technology (NCSTIT)Naberezhnye Chelny2
VNIINM of BochvarMoscow2
ГУ Центральная городская детская библиотека им. А.С. Пушкина - межрайонная ЦБС детских библиотек2
International School of Design (ISD)2
Ufa State Aviation University (UGATU)Ufa2
Research institute of command devicesSt. Petersburg2
Samara design and survey institute Zheldorproyekt Povolzhya (Russian Railway)2
Moscow state agroengineering university of V.P. GoryachkinMoscow2
Kazan open university of talents 2.0Kazan2
State university of the sea and river fleet (GUMRF) of a name of the admiral S.O. MakarovSt. Petersburg2
Russian academy of public service under the President of the Russian Federation, RAGSMoscow2
School in the settlement White YarWhite Yar2
Museum and memorial Victory complexYuzhno-Sakhalinsk2
TO RGGRMoscow2
Bashkir State Agricultural University (BSAU)Ufa2
Moscow academy of the public and municipal administration (MAGMA)Moscow2
ATC International2
REU Krasnodar branch of G.V. PlekhanovKrasnodar2
Orenburg State Agricultural University (OSAU)Orenburg2
International center of Lomonosov Moscow State UniversityMoscow2
Moscow institute of PsychoanalysisMoscow2
Moscow research oncological institute of P.A. Herzen (MNIOI)Moscow2
Khabarovsk edge institute of development of educationKhabarovsk2
Научно-производственный центр СибГео (НПЦ СибГео)Tyumen2
The center of information technologies and educational equipment - TsITUOMoscow2
Krasnogorsk collegeKrasnogorsk2
Institute of tourism and hospitalityMoscow2
Ryazan state university of S.A. YeseninRyazan2
RGGMU (Russian state hydrometeorological university)St. Petersburg2
Altai State Medical University (ASMU)Barnaul2
Tyumen state medical university (TYUMGMU)Tyumen2
Bashkir state pedagogical university of M. Akmulla (BGPU)Ufa2
Kostroma state university of N.A. Nekrasov of Public Educational Institution of Higher Professional TrainingKostroma2
Research and test center of the biometric equipment of MSTU of N.E. BaumanMoscow2
VNIRO (All-Russian Research Institute of fishery and oceanography)Moscow2
CRDIN (Central Research and Development Institute of Navy)St. Petersburg2
MADOU Akhun kindergarten (RB)Akhun2
Saratov center of standardization, metrology and certificationSaratov2
International innovation universitySochi2
MADOU Buzdyaksky kindergarten No. 6 (RB)Buzdyak2
Institute of architecture and construction of VOLGGTU (earlier Volgograd architectural and construction university, VOLGGASU)Volgograd2
Department of education and sciences of the Lipetsk regionLipetsk2
MADOU Kanly-Turkeevsky kindergarten (RB)Kanly-Turkeevo2
MADOU Karansky kindergarten (RB)Uranovo2
Ryazan regional universal scientific library of GorkyRyazan2
The Perm State University is the CCGTPerm2
MADOU Kilimovsky kindergarten (RB)Kilimovo2
MADOU Kopey-Kubovsky kindergarten (RB)Kopey-Kopey-Kubovo2
Research institute of transport of oil and oil products (Scientific Research Institute TNN)Moscow2
MADOU Sergeevsky kindergarten (RB)Sergeevka2
The Belgorod region - schoolsBelgorod2
Siberian research institute of geology, geophysics and mineral raw materialsNovosibirsk1
BYuI Ministry of Internal Affairs Barnaulsky legal institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian FederationBarnaul1
Kindergarten of the combined type No. 31 the Gold keyBalashikha1
SPBGTEU (St. Petersburg state trade and economic university)St. Petersburg1
Ryazan state agrotechnology universityRyazan1
TsPO of the Samara region (Center of professional education of the Samara region)Samara1
Catholic Theological College, Melbourne (Catholic theological college)Melbourne1
Seaside edge departments of the Russian Geographical Society (Society of studying of the Amur region)1
International Institute of Technical Innovations (IITI)Yekaterinburg1
Municipal educational institution Lyceum No. 1 of IrkutskIrkutsk1
Nizhny Tagil city historical archive (NTGI)Nizhny Tagil1
MOE SOSH No. 75 of IrkutskIrkutsk1
State archive of the city of SevastopolSevastopol1
Institute of applied physical problems of A.N. Sevchenko (NIIPFP of A.N. Sevchenko BGU)Minsk1
Funk і consultingKiev1
Institute of nuclear researches of the Kingdom of Thailand (Thailand Institue Of Nuclear Technology, TINT)1
School of management of the food industrySt. Petersburg1
Research Institute of Technology of A.P. Alexandrov1
SEI of the city of Moscow school No. 597 (New generation)Moscow1
GUSO Samara regional resource centerSamara1
University of north Texas (Yuniversiti of North Texas)1
GTMAU (Technical school of mechanization of St. George, automation and management)1
Gorno-Altaysk State University1
MOE SOSH No. 18 of IrkutskIrkutsk1
KARGTU (Karaganda state technical university)Karaganda1
TU Wien1
NSU of P.F. Lesgaft (National state university of physical culture, sport and health)St. Petersburg1
Yaroslavl Highest Military College of Air DefenseYaroslavl1
Edge polytechnical college1
SEI OF SOSH NO. 650Moscow1
Lipetsk state technical universityLipetsk1
Novokuybyshevsk RTs (Novokuybyshevsk resource center)Novokuybyshevsk1
Peking University of economy and finance (Central University of Finance and Economics)Beijing1
Knowledge plus (Non-State Educational Institution Training center)1
The house of scientific collaboration of A.S. PopovRostov-on-Don1
Krasnogvardeysky college, SEI Open Source MOMoscow region1
ESSIC (East Siberian State Institute of Culture)Ulan-Ude1
Expert Institute of advanced training and certification1
School No. 1468, MoscowMoscow1
UNTs Geophysics (Geophysics educational scientific center)Ufa1
Dasproyekt, school of GermanSt. Petersburg1
The Russian word - the textbook, Ltd companyMoscow1
Planet of knowledgeVoronezh1
Academy of Management and entrepreneurshipMoscow1
SIBGTU, Siberian State Technology University1
Laboratory of a social entrepreneurshipMoscow1
Tula IPKPPTula1
Federal Institute of Development of Education (FIDE)Moscow1
Center of educational programs1
Sakhalin regional universal scientific library1
Southern Connecticut State University (SCSU) (University of the Southern Connecticut)New Heven1
State University of New York at Stony Brook, SBUStony Brook1
International House (Kiev)Kiev1
WHAT EnergyMoscow1
MAOU SOSh No. 36 Veliky NovgorodVeliky Novgorod1
NIPI TRTI (Research and design institute of territorial development and transport infrastructure)St. Petersburg1
The St. Petersburg training center of specialists with secondary medical education No. 1 (SPb TsPK SMO No. 1)St. Petersburg1
Municipal archive of Lensky District of the Sakha (Yakutia) RepublicYakutsk1
Korund-M Design officeMoscow1
House H. B. of Gogol1
The Moscow gymnasium in Southwest No. 1543Moscow1
TsNPO CascadeMoscow1
Cheboksary engineering center of transport and agricultural mechanical engineering (ChITs TSM)Cheboksary1
Integral CollegeGeorgiyevsk1
IRE of V.A. Kotelnikov of RAS1
Woz U1
Kirov timber industry college (KLPK)Kirov1
George Washington UniversityWashington1
Academic musical collegeMoscow1
Engineering of Oil and gas chemistryUfa1
Globe, schoolMoscow1
Saratov Technical School of Railway Transport (STSRT)Saratov1
Migal Galilee1
High comprehensive school No. 2 of the city district city of Volgorechensk1
Institute of experimental biology of Nenchki of the Polish Academy of Sciences (PAS)1
Tomsk center of standardization, metrology and certificationTomsk1
Academic International InstituteMoscow1
Corporate university Norilsk Nickel, Non-State Educational InstitutionMoscow1
Reasonable wayMoscow1
Advance Group (Edvans Group)Moscow1
Kvantorium VologdaVologda1
Borovichi teacher training collegeBorovichi1
National library of the Republic of Chuvashia1
Khakass museum of local lore of L.R. KyzlasovAbakan1
Raduzhninsky polytechnical collegeIridescent (Tyumen Region)1
Dinamika, of SEI Center1
MOE SOSH No. 43 Rostov-on-DonRostov-on-Don1
International English School (IES)Krasnogorsk1
Irkutskzheldorproyekt, JSC (Roszheldorproyekt Irkutsk Design and Survey Institute Branch)Irkutsk1
The organization for economic researches at the University of HawaiiWashington1
University TuranAlmaty1
Tyumen institute of the engineering Innovation (TIIS) systemsTyumen1
Department of formation of administration of the Sakmara district1
Orenburg Presidential cadet schoolOrenburg1
Psikhosinteza academy1
Gymnasium of the city of Mednogorsk1
Memorial Museum of Astronautics1
Muravlenkovsky multi-profile collegeMuravlenko1
Institute of UNIKMoscow1
Onyx DPONizhnevartovsk1
Moscow military school "Board of pupils of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation"Moscow1
Institute of development of education of Murmansk regionMurmansk1
Vladivostok state university of economy and service (VGUES)Vladivostok1
Surgut professional collegeSurgut1
Educational plant BashneftekhimUfa1
Nizhny Tagil Institute of Technology (branch) URFANizhny Tagil1
National university Kiyevo-Mogilyansky academyKiev1
Polotsk state university1
St. Petersburg military military school (SPBKVK)St. Petersburg1
KSPC (Kursk State Polytechnical College)Kursk1
Yaroslavl school of culture, Public Educational Institution of Secondary Vocational EducationYaroslavl1
Boarding school No. 117 of T.S. Zykova of the urban district SamaraSamara1
Ryazan medical collegeRyazan1
Voronezh State Institute of Physical Culture (VSIPC)Voronezh1
Krasnoyarsk State University (KSU)Krasnoyarsk1
Kamchatka edge joint museum1
Rostov research institute of obstetrics and pediatricsRostov-on-Don1
Mandhu CollegeMaldives1
Boarding school No. 1 for training and rehabilitation of blind people (Moscow)Moscow1
Wrangel Island, national nature reservePevek1
Kiev national university of Taras ShevchenkoKiev1
Gymnasium No. 1 BlagoveshchenskBlagoveshchensk1
National Institute of quantum and radiological science (Quantum and Radiological Science)1
Academy of mechanical engineering of Zh.Ya. KotinSt. Petersburg1
Supercomputer center of Leibniz (Leibniz-Rechenzentrum, LRZ)Munich1
State archive of the contemporary history of the Kostroma regionKostroma1
State Research Institute of systems analysis of Accounts Chamber of the Russian FederationMoscow1
MAOU SOSh No. 67 YekaterinburgYekaterinburg1
Christian university Zhong of Yuan1
Flatiron Institute (Flatiron Institute)New York1
State museum of heroic defense and liberation of SevastopolSevastopol1
Impact Hub Moscow - Impakt Hub MoscowMoscow1
Oryol technical collegeEagle1
Interstate corporation of developmentSt. Petersburg1
Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbHYulikh1
School No. 347, St. PetersburgSt. Petersburg1
National museum RME of T. EvseevYoshkar-Ola1
Research Institute of the Motor Transport (RIMT)Moscow1
NIPI Pegaz (Research and Pegaz design institute)Ufa1
Institute of astronomy of the Russian Academy of SciencesMoscow1
EQuatorSt. Petersburg1
President, schoolOdintsovo (Moscow Region)1
Nizhny Novgorod Institute of Applied Technologies (NNIAT)Nizhny Novgorod1
Universität Rostock1
House museum of Klyuchnikova-PalantayaYoshkar-Ola1
Czech technical university of PraguePrague1
Tomsk polytechnical technical schoolTomsk1
Kvantorium ElistaElista1
Sun in BunMoscow1
VNIIRA (All-Russian Research Institute of the radio equipment)St. Petersburg1
Penza state university of architecture and construction (PGUAS)Penza1
Museum of national applied art (Yoshkar-Ola)Yoshkar-Ola1
Southern scientific center RASRostov-on-Don1
Kargopolsky teacher training college1
SOSh No. 24 of Lipetsk of M.B. Rakovsky (High comprehensive school No. 24)Lipetsk1
Museum of history of OrthodoxyYoshkar-Ola1
Детский музейно-выставочный центр (Йошкар-ола)Yoshkar-Ola1
ISBD, Institute of modern bankingMoscow1
All-Russian Research Institute of protection and economy of workMoscow1
Technology college No. 14Moscow1
MBOU SOSh No. 42 IzhevskIzhevsk1
SOSh No. 5 of SolnechnogorskSolnechnogorsk1
Institute of advanced training of educators (TOIPKRO)Tambov1
Department of education of MO Kosh-Agachsky district1
Pirbright Institute (Pirbrayt institute - before Institute for Animal Health)Pirbrayt1
Stage LaboratoryMoscow1
Retro, schoolMoscow1
The higher school of psychologyMoscow1
GAPOU of the Republic of Karelia Petrozavodsk basic medical collegePetrozavodsk1
Institute of Applied Physics (Federal State Budgetary Institution IPG)Moscow1
Design institute Federal State Unitary Enterprise FSB of RussiaMoscow1
Mekhmat of Lomonosov Moscow State UniversityMoscow1
Kostanay social and technical university of a name of the academician Zulkharnay Aldamzhar1
SEI of the city of Moscow school No. 1411Moscow1
MMC (Murom Medical College)Moore1
Republican business incubatorIzhevsk1
St. Petersburg academy of post-degree pedagogical education (SPb APPO)St. Petersburg1
Azovo-Chernomorsky state agroengineering academy - AChGAA1
High school No. 11 in Hangzhou1
Grakhovsky SOSh of A.V. Marchenko1
Symbiosis school1
Moscow school No. 1296Moscow1
DPO Krasnoyarsk BOWE GOOCH educational and methodical centerKrasnoyarsk1
Chita institute of the Baikal university of economy and rightChita1
Klin institute of protection and working conditions1
Российская государственная детская библиотека (РГДБ)Moscow1
University of Manitoba (Manitobsky university)1
Public budget educational institution of the city of Moscow school No. 1987Moscow1
Kaliningrad state universityKaliningrad1
Department of education of City administration of SimferopolSimferopol1
Ufa motor transportation collegeUfa1
MOE SOSH of the item. Stream of the Ust-Kutsky municipal entity of the Irkutsk region1
Academy of New Consciousness1
Memorial estate Kazan KremlinKazan1
SPBGIPSR - the St. Petersburg state institute of psychology and social workSt. Petersburg1
Agricultural university of Azerbaijan1
Ministry of Education of the Tver regionTver1
Ural research Institute of Technology1
NIEI Ministry of Economics BelarusMinsk1
St. Petersburg planetariumSt. Petersburg1
NITS of V.F. SolinovMoscow1
Nyagan Technology College1
Academy of the innovation educationMoscow1
Museum FSBMoscow1
Lyceum No. 84 of V.A. VlasovNovokuznetsk (Kemerovo region)1
ABIP, Academy of bioresources and environmental managementSimferopol1
Teacher training college No. 1 of N.A. NekrasovSt. Petersburg1
Center of additional education of gifted school studentsKirov1
ANU - Australian National University (Australian National University)1
Tula state pedagogical university to them L N TolstoyTula1
Flying school of AeroflotMoscow1
Chita medical collegeChita1
Physical and mathematical lyceum No. 239St. Petersburg1
National library of A.S. Pushkin of the Republic of MordoviaSaransk1
Saratov state Conservatory of L V SobinovSaratov1
Department of education in MO the City Berezovsky1
Library of the Peter and Paul FortressSt. Petersburg1
International academy of the stock exchange trading1
SEI of the city of Moscow School No. 86 of M.E. KatukovMoscow1
Third placeSochi1
Eurasian open institute1
FAU DPO Astrakhan training center of a federal fire serviceAstrakhan1
IAM school (School of Intuitive Active Meditation)1
Intek (education)Moscow1
Institute of modern specialties1
Murom historical art museumMurom1
Lyceum No. 6, KhimkiKhimki (Moscow Region)1
Jambyl regional universal scientific library1
Open Youth University1
Teacher training college of fitnessSt. Petersburg1
Luhansk state medical university of a name of the Prelate Luka1
Macquarie UniversitySydney1
SEI of the city of Moscow school No. 90 (IOC to them E.G. Larikova)Moscow1
Krasnodar edge art museum of F.A. KovalenkoKrasnodar1
Study Lab GroupMoscow1
Research Center AvantrendYekaterinburg1
MBOU Gymnasium No. 1Serpukhov1
The museum of wrestling at the Palace of fight of YaryginMoscow1
Training ButikMoscow1
Smolensk Humanities UniversitySmolensk1
Southern Ural institute of management and economyChelyabinsk1
Odessa national academy of communication of PopovOdessa1
Zavodoukovsky high educational school1
Pacific State Economic University (PSEU)1
Ufa planetariumUfa1
Academy of public administration at the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan1
Resource center of formation of ZATO Seversk (ZATO Seversk RTsO)Seversk1
KRASGMU of professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky - the Krasnoyarsk state medical universityKrasnoyarsk1
Academy of TradingSt. Petersburg1
Kondinsky training center1
East Kazakhstan state university of Sarsen AmanzholovUst-Kamenogorsk1
The All-Russian Research Institute on problems of civil defense and emergencies of Emercom of RussiaMoscow1
Samaranipineft Samara research and design institute of oil productionSamara1
Federal State Unitary Enterprise NIIPS - Research and design institute of a mail serviceMoscow1
Museum of history of the Moscow medical academy of SechenovMoscow1
SUNTs MSU (Specialized research center – boarding school of A.N. Kolmogorov of MSU)Moscow1
Institute of management, marketing and financeVoronezh1
KGBPOU Kamensk teacher training collegeStone - on - Ob1
Language MattersBuckinghamshire1
AANII Arctic and Antarctic research instituteSt. Petersburg1
Stavropol centralized library system (CLS)Stavropol1
Taimyr collegeDudinka1
STTs Pole sports and creative Pole centerLeningrad Region.1
St. Petersburg state economic university (SPBGEU)St. Petersburg1
RAM of Gnesiny, Gnessin Russian Academy of MusicMoscow1
Gymnasium No. 1551 MoscowMoscow1
Sochi medical collegeSochi1
Military academy of communication of S.M. BudennySt. Petersburg1
Medical technical school No. 9St. Petersburg1
The center on PaveletskayaMoscow1
Agro-industrial technical school of is. ChorusKhabarovsk Krai, area of Lazo, is. Chorus,1
Tyumen school No. 65Tyumen1
SGAP Saratov state legal academySaratov1
Scientific Research Institute RTK (Research institute Resource-saving technologies and corrosion)Novosibirsk1
National library of UzbekistanTashkent1
St. Petersburg state theatrical librarySt. Petersburg1
Hartree CentreWarrington1
Surgut State University (SRGU)Surgut1
Institute of journalism and literary creativity (IZhLT)Moscow1
Non-State Educational Institution Nizhny Novgorod college of securityNizhny Novgorod1
Military academy of aerospace defense of Marshal of the Soviet Union of G.K. ZhukovTver1
Norilsk city archiveNorilsk1
Institute of applied semiotics of Academy of Sciences of TatarstanKazan1
Professional school No. 40, PenzaPenza1
Lipetsk medical collegeLipetsk1
The specialist, the Center of computer-based training at MSTU of N.E. BaumanMoscow1
O’Key English (Primaenglishru)Lyubertsy1
Volga region orthodox institute of a name of the Prelate Alexy of the Metropolitan of MoscowTogliatti1
The Vyatka state university (VYATGU of FSBEI IN)Kirov1
SEI School No. 627 of a Name of the General D.D. LelyushenkoMoscow1
Russian Museum of Ethnography (RME)St. Petersburg1
REU Ulaanbaatar branch of G.V. PlekhanovUlaanbaatar1
The centralized library system of the Ussuriysk city district (TsBS)Ussuriysk1
MOE SOSH No. 12 PenzaPenza1
MADOU the Center of development of the child - kindergarten No. 4531
Center of Education and CulturePetrozavodsk1
Department of Education of the Ivanovo regionIvanovo1
Center of formation No. 170 of Kolpino district of St. PetersburgKolpino (Leningrad Region)1
Library of the First President of the Republic of KazakhstanAstana1
Russian state technology university of K.E. Tsiolkovsky (MATI)Moscow1
Kvantorium Fotonika, PermPerm1
MBOU gymnasium No. 19 of the Hero of the Soviet Union V.I. Merkulov of the city of Oryol1
Geological museum of V.V. YershovMoscow1
Penza state technology university (PENZGTU)Penza1
Chuvash republican center of new educational technologiesCheboksary1
City psychology and pedagogical center of the Moscow Department of EducationMoscow1
Гимназия Платонова1
Russian customs academy1
Central Design-technology Institute of Armature Engineering (CDTIAE)Moscow1
The University of California in San Francisco (UCSF)1
Far East legal institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian FederationKhabarovsk1
Military academy of RVSN of Peter the GreatBalashikha1
Oryol TsOKOEagle1
Russian medical academy of life-long professional (postdegree) education RMANPO of the Russian Ministry of Health FSBEI DPOMoscow1
VIRO, Vologda institute of development of educationVologda1
Pacific research institute of fishery and oceanography (TINRO-center)Vladivostok1
CHU DPO Aviatsionny training center of Severny Veter airline1
GBPOU of the Voronezh region Ostrogozhsky multi-profile technical school1
Murmansk college of economy and information technologiesMurmansk1
School No. 100 of the city of Nizhny TagilNizhny Tagil1
DMSh of I.O. Dunayevsky (Moscow)Moscow1
Sibak (Siberian Academic Book)Novosibirsk1
National Restoration Center for assistance of preserving of objects of cultural heritageMoscow1
TsBS Balashikha - The centralized library Balashikha systemBalashikha1
Stragovskoy monasteryPrague1
MOE SOSH No. 76 of the city of YekaterinburgYekaterinburg1
MBOU SOSh with UIOP No. 47 of the city of KirovKirov1
Ural timber university1
Vienna Scientific Cluster VSC (Vienna scientific cluster)Vienna1
Central city library of L.N. Tolstoy (Sevastopol)Sevastopol1
SEI of the city of Moscow school No. 1747Moscow1
Siberian GPS Emercom of Russia Rescue and fire fighting AcademyZheleznogorsk1
Kindergarten No. 193 of the city of KrasnodarKrasnodar1
URGYUU (Ural state legal university)Yekaterinburg1
Leningrad regional universal scientific librarySt. Petersburg1
Childbirth in the world (Rodyvmire)1
ZKMU (West Kazakhstan medical university of Marat Ospanov)Aktobe1
Southern Ural institute of training of ChOUChelyabinsk1
It is alive - School of the complete movementSt. Petersburg1
Mari state universityYoshkar-Ola1
NARSS - National Authority for Remote Sensing and Space Sciences1
Island of the childhoodMoscow region1
Kvantorium VladivostokVladivostok1
Russian Academy of Education (RAE)Moscow1
Solution: educational video1
Non-state memorial house museum of the archbishop LukaTambov1
Church museum of the Moscow diocese of Russian Orthodox Church1
Old Ladoga historical and architectural and archaeological reserve (Old Ladoga)1
FBU Open Source Kolledzh MID RossiiMoscow1
Beloomutsky high comprehensive school No. 11
Fund of Modern History1
Kazakh academy of transport and communications of M. TynyshpayevAlmaty1
Poligonpro, Career centerMoscow1
Research Center Planeta1
Школа Меньшиковой1
Tula Kremlin Museum exhibition complexTula1
Success stepsRostov-on-Don1
Center of patriotic education Young GuardMurmansk1
Boarding school of the VI view of VolgodonskVolgodonsk1
SEI NAO SSh No. 4 of Naryan-Mar with profound studying of separate objectsNaryan-Mar1
Center of the Advancing Professional Training (CAPT) of Zabaykalsky KraiChita1
SOShch No. 4 Kirovo-Chepetsk of the Kirov regionKirovo-Chepetsk1
Water academySt. Petersburg1
Bezhetsk industrial and economic college1
Australian university of Charles Sturt University1
Scientific research institute of applied acoustics (NIIPA)Dubna-11
Tula regional medical collegeTula1
Seaside edge institute of development of educationVladivostok1
Czech agrotechnical universityPrague1
Krasnobakovsky forest college1
BAGSU (The Bashkir academy of public service and management at the Head of the Republic of Bashkortostan)Ufa1
SVGU (Northeastern State University)Magadan1
Forcing of Sales, training companySt. Petersburg1
AKU-Academy of contract managing directorsMoscow1
Novosibirsk national research state universityNovosibirsk1
Letovo school boardMoscow1
Pyatigorsk state universityPyatigorsk1
Buzuluk district Veterinary DepartmentBuzuluk1
DVGMU, Far state medical Eastern Federal UniversityKhabarovsk1
Gymnasium No. 5 CheboksaryCheboksary1
The centralized library system of V.K. Arsenyev1
Queen Mary - University of LondonLondon1
VSPU (Voronezh State Pedagogical University)Voronezh1
School with profound studying of French No. 1286 (SEI of the city of Moscow)Moscow1
STC Geoproyekt-South1
Lastolsky high school1
Gymnasium No. 1 of the municipal entity city of BuguruslanBuguruslan1
Russian Geographical Society (RGS)Moscow1
GPOU Yurga technology collegeYurga1
Moscow institute of television and broadcasting of Ostankino (MITRO)Moscow1
Academy of medico-technical science (ANO)Moscow1
Sun, kindergartenNizhny Tagil1
KUBGMU, Kuban state medical universityKrasnodar1
NKTs PRM KFU (Scientific clinical center of precision and regenerative medicine of Kazan Federal University)Kazan1
Academia EnglishMoscow1
Kindergarten No. 2444 Public Educational Institution1
Cheboksary cooperative instituteCheboksary1
Novokuybyshevsk petrotechnical educational plantNovokuybyshevsk1
High Comprehensive School No. 3 of Tazi Gizzat1
IIMK RAS (Institute of history of material culture of RAS)St. Petersburg1
Troitsk high comprehensive school1
NKPIIT, November college of professional and information technologiesNoyabrsk1
RANEPA Vladimir branchVladimir1
Polar scientific research institute of sea fishery and oceanography (PINRO)Murmansk1
Gymnasium No. 36 Rostov-on-DonRostov-on-Don1
Antinorma (POISON)1
Gymnasium No. 1 of the city of Sovetsk1
KDPI of Karl Fabergé (College of arts and crafts)Moscow1
Academy of social and economic development, Non-State Educational InstitutionMoscow1
Kindergarten No. 54 Cheerful childrenArkhangelsk1
School of Psychosomatics of 2.0 (PSY2.0)Moscow1
Moscow Banking School (MBS)Moscow1
Central Research and Development Institute of the ship-building industry Center (Central Research Institute Center)Moscow1
Mastery Transcript Consortium1
Ratchinsky high comprehensive school1
Altai state pedagogical universityBarnaul1
Don archaeological societyRostov-on-Don1
VSAU (Voronezh State Agricultural University of a name of the emperor Peter I)Voronezh1
SEI of Moscow School No. 1238Moscow1
Kurgan OSOShDOBarrow1
Magadan universal scientific library of A.S. PushkinMagadan1
CREWE Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (Krasnodar university Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation)Krasnodar1
Volgograd social teacher training collegeVolgograd1
Research FundMoscow1
SOSh No. 112 with profound studying of information scienceNovokuznetsk (Kemerovo region)1
Paleontologic institute of RASMoscow1
IFVT of ANO (Institute of physics and high technologies)Moscow1
Institute of technologies of the State of New Jersey1
Perspective training centerPenza1
Katuninsky high school1
Regressive meditation and Yogi Nidr1
VGSPU, Volgograd state social and pedagogical universityVolgograd1
Moscow kindergarten No. 15Moscow1
Moscow technical school of space instrument making (MKTP)Moscow1
The St. Petersburg state library for blind and visually impaired (SPBGBSS)St. Petersburg1
School with profound studying of mathematics and information science No. 7 (SEI School No. 7)Moscow1
Research institute of light sources of A.N. LodyginSaransk1
Perovo USTs1
Department of chemistry and sciences about materials of RASMoscow1
Intersettlement library of the Uglegorsk municipal district of the Sakhalin regionUglegorsk1
Kindergarten No. 9 of the city of MirnyMirnyi (Arkhangelsk Region)1
IQ007 School of fast reading and development of intelligence1
TRIC (Taganrog Research Institute of Communication)Taganrog1
Special (correctional) general education boarding school of 3-4 typesArtyom1
Seoul National University College of Medicine (Medical college of Seoul National University)Seoul1
Tsaritsyno, TsOMoscow1
Kvantorium BelgorodBelgorod1
Tolyatti medical collegeTogliatti1
Center of business consultation and formation of Altway1
Map MakerMoscow1
Novgorod Construction CollegeVeliky Novgorod1
Kvantorium RybinskRybinsk1
Khosta Center of additional educationSochi1
Ikshinsky high comprehensive school1
Intersettlement central library of A.S. PushkinMoscow region1
Kvantorium TomskTomsk1
VEGU academy1
Orthodox Sacred and Tychonoff humanities university1
Фельдшерский колледж, СПб ГБПОУSt. Petersburg1
ChMT (Cheremkhovo medical college to them Turysheva A.A.)1
Moscow state technical university of civil aviation (MSTU of HECTARE)Moscow1
Academy of popular music of Igor KrutyMoscow1
House of youthful technical creativityChelyabinsk1
Education academyMoscow1
Partner, center of professional development1
Interregional Legal Institute (ILI)Saratov1
Institute of an optronics, system technologies and use of images of Fraunhofer IOSBKarlsruhe1
Miras University1
KAZUMOIMYA, Kazakh university of the international relations and world languages of a name of Abylay of the khanAlmaty1
Business training centerMoscow1
INFN (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, National Institute of nuclear physics of Italy)1
Музей М. А. Булгакова (ГБУК г. Москвы)Moscow1
Ural UTTs GA (Ural educational and training center of civil aviation)Yekaterinburg1
Tokyo Womens Medical University (TWMU)Tokyo1
High school No. 4 of the city of Velsk1
Under the Pole (Under a pole)1
Polytechnical college No. 8 of I.F. Pavlov, MoscowMoscow1
High comprehensive school No. 4 of Sol-Iletsk1
Moscow state humanitarian and economic university (FGBOUI VO MGGEU)Moscow1
Art Biscotti1
Taraz state university of M.H. Dulati (TARGU)1
MIGUP Ryazan branchRyazan1
NIPI of Oil and Gaza UGTU (NIPI of oil and gas of the Ukhta state technical university)Ukhta1
Suleyman Demirel University (university of Süleyman Demirel)Kaskelen1
Smart schoolSaransk1
Kaliningrad regional institute of development of educationKaliningrad1
Republican Center of Education (RCE)Syktyvkar1
Voronezh GASU (Public Educational Institution of Higher Professional Training)Voronezh1
Gymnasium No. 1 of Novotroitsk of the Orenburg region1
YuNII IT (Yugra research institute of information technologies)Khanty-Mansiysk1
State museum of history of astronautics of K.E. Tsiolkovsky1
Sports school of the city district of Orekhovo-ZuyevoOrekhovo-Zuyevo1
Southern New Hampshire University1
SEI OF OSHI NO. 1Moscow1
Saint Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance (SPBGUEF)St. Petersburg1
SGU of Pitirim Sorokin (The Syktyvkar state university of Pitirim Sorokin)Syktyvkar1
All-Russian Research Institute of hydraulic engineering of B.E. Vedeneyev (VNIIG)St. Petersburg1
American scientific and technology university (American University of Science & Technology)Beirut1
Usmansky industrial and technology college, Open Source FSEI1
Moscow institute of welfare programsMoscow1
High comprehensive school No. 5 of Sol-Iletsk1
Center of remote formation of Krasnoyarsk KraiKrasnoyarsk1
Technology college No. 34Moscow1
SOSh No. 18 of Lipetsk (High comprehensive school No. 18 of the city of Lipetsk)Lipetsk1
IPKSZ Institute of advanced training of specialists of health careKhabarovsk1
Coalition of the Srednezapadny universities of the USA (Midwestern Higher Education Compact, MHEC)1
NSHC (The Singapore training center)1
Bauman engineering school No. 1580Moscow1
MBDOU Kindergarten No. 539Yekaterinburg1
Yelets state university of I.A. Bunin1
Ashchebutaksky high comprehensive school1
Chinese University of Hong KongHong Kong1
Academy of digital technologiesSt. Petersburg1
Republican Information Centre of Quality Evaluation of Education (RICQEE)Syktyvkar1
Tula regional universal scientific libraryTula1
Binh Duong University (BDU)1
VKGTU of D. Serikbayev the East Kazakhstan state technical universityUst-Kamenogorsk1
NPO Rivs1
Uglegorsk municipal archive of the Sakhalin regionYuzhno-Sakhalinsk1
National Measurement Institute (NMI)1
Uniform Center of the Higher Remote Education (UCHRE)Moscow1
Regional assessment center of quality of education of the Oryol regionEagle1
Connetics – Electrical Utilities Contractor Christchurch in New Zealand1
Masarikov university (Masarykova univerzita)1
University of St. Gallen (Universität St Gallen)1
Dalrybvtuz (Far state technical fishery Eastern Federal University)Vladivostok1
Raman school (SEI SOSh No. 1240)Moscow1
Lyceum 1828 "Saburovo"Moscow1
MAOU SOSh No. 30 TyumenTyumen1
Komi scientific center of the Ural department of the Russian Academy of SciencesSyktyvkar1
Center of corporate training1
Tver institute of car building, closed joint stock companyTver1
Siberian scientific research institute of poultry farming (SIBNIIP)Omsk region, Omsk district1
Studio of military artists of M.B. GrekovMoscow1
Moscow humanitarian institute of E.R. DashkovaMoscow1
MAOU SOSh No. 67 TyumenTyumen1
Non-state educational institution of higher education University of the Russian Academy of Education1
IHOIK RAO (Institute of art education and cultural science of the Russian Academy of Education)Moscow1
Kindergarten No. 132 Scarlet sails of the city of ArkhangelskArkhangelsk1
Altai industrial and economic collegeBarnaul1
KdengamNaberezhnye Chelny1
Suvorov Military School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian FederationSt. Petersburg1
GENCI - Grand Equipement National De Calcul IntensifParis1
Northern UGMSArkhangelsk1
Kindergarten No. 3 of the compensating type (Dzerzhinsk)Dzerzhinsk1
Pepelyshevsky main comprehensive school1
Center of productive educationMoscow1
School No. 601 of St. PetersburgSt. Petersburg1
Moscow youth multifunction center (State Budgetary Institution Molodezhny center of the North-Eastern Administrative District)Moscow1
Kargopolsky historical and architectural and art museum1
Tyumen state medical academyTyumen1
Milyutinsky intersettlement central library1
VF MGYuA (Vologda branch of the Moscow state legal academy of O.E. Kutafin)Vologda1
The RM Group (University of Oxford)1
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (The university of Aristotle in Thessaloniki)1
Intersettlement Central library of Mikhail Vasilyevich Naumov1
Moscow multi-profile technical school of L.B. KrasinMoscow1
URGPU (Ural state pedagogical university)Yekaterinburg1
Film Connection School of motion picture artsLos Angeles1
Department of Education of New YorkNew York1
RutgersNew Jersy1
Kvantorium Omsk (Omsk regional station of young technicians)Omsk1
RRS training centerMoscow1
Samara Training centerSamara1
State school district No. 44 (Northern Vancouver)1
Institute of Business and Business Administration of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Service under the President of the Russian FederationMoscow1
IKP of Russian joint stock company (Institute of correctional pedagogics of the Russian Academy of Education)Moscow1
Humpbacked Horse kindergarten No. 115Nizhny Novgorod1
Business school1
Palace of creativity of children and youth of the city of NorilskNorilsk1
Moscow institute of economy, policy and rightMoscow1
East Siberian state university of technologies and management (VSGUTU)Ulan-Ude1
Ural industrial and economic technical schoolYekaterinburg1
SPBGPMU (St. Petersburg state pediatric medical university)St. Petersburg1
Kindergarten No. 21 of the combined townscape of BuzulukBuzuluk1
Private school BullfinchesMoscow1
Tomsk regional institute of advanced training and retraining of educators (OGOU DPO)Tomsk1
Technopark of IT (IT Park)Chelyabinsk1
Kutkarusha Tau-Kensettlement of Kyzemshek1
High comprehensive school No. 3 of Abdulino1
Mikhaylovsky military artillery academySt. Petersburg1
Baikal Center of the TrainingIrkutsk1
Odintsovo humanitarian instituteOdintsovo (Moscow Region)1
Institute of problems of information science of the Russian Academy of Sciences, IPI RASMoscow1
Professional school No. 31 of the city of BakalaGlass1
YIP RAHN Institute of applied astronomy of RASSt. Petersburg1
Kurchatov schoolMoscow1
Kazakhstan-Russian Medical UniversityAlmaty1
Scientific Research Institute of Economics of the Ministry of Economics of Republic of BelarusMinsk1
Square Kilometre Array1
Saratov military of the Order of Zhukov institute of the National Guard Troops Decorated with the Order of the Red Banner of the Russian FederationSaratov1
School of programmingMoscow1
Center of collective use of D.I. Mendeleyev (TsKP)Moscow1
MBDOU Kindergarten No. 130Murmansk1
Kindergarten No. 20 of the city of ArkhangelskArkhangelsk1
Varna technical universityVarna1
Samara regional universal scientific librarySamara1
The South Ukrainian national pedagogical university of K.D. Ushinsky - YuGPU1
Malyshok kindergarten (Novoilyinsky)1
Kaliningrad state technical universityKaliningrad1
Kindergarten Alenka Dmitriyevka1
State patent and technical library of the Republic KyrgyzstanBishkek1
Brest center of preparation, advanced training and retraining of workersBrest1
State archive of the Yaroslavl regionYaroslavl1
Freedom of speech Linguistic school1
Institute of complex strategic researchesMoscow1
The center of education No. 1 – humanitarian and mathematical lyceum of a name of the Hero of Russia Gorshkov D. E.Tula1
Byrminsky main comprehensive school1
Astrakhan State Architectural and Construction University (ASACU)Astrakhan1
Kandalaksha industrial collegeKandalaksha1
TAC (Tomsk Agrarian College)Tomsk1
Military-medical university of the USA (Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences)1
Moscow state academy of thin chemical industryMoscow1
Kindergarten No. 3 of the compensating type MonchegorskMonchegorsk1
Gymnasium No. 2 BalashikhaBalashikha1
SEI school No. 315Pavlovsk1
Inter Eyre Center of youth programsMoscow1
Region 14 Center of educational services1
Youth Center of studying of Financial Transactions (MTsFO)1
All-Russian Correspondence Financial and Economic Institute (ARCFEI)1
National scientific and technology holding ParasatAstana1
Rybnovsky boarding school for orphan children and children without parental support1
Izhevsk state medical academyIzhevsk1
Vidnovsky Art and Technical Lyceum (VATL)Moscow region1
Educational advice center (Yoshkar-Ola)Yoshkar-Ola1
Central university of economy and financeBeijing1
MBOU SOSh No. 10 of A.K. AstrakhovMoscow region1
Institute of retraining and advanced training of the managerial personnel and specialists of a system of social protection of the population of MoscowMoscow1
SEI of the city of Moscow school No. 950Moscow1
SOSh No. 30 BalashikhaBalashikha1
St. Petersburg Interregional Resource CenterSt. Petersburg1
MBOU Art and esthetic lyceum No. 98Izhevsk1
Penza State Technology Academy (PSTA)Penza1
North Sea technology college1
Baikal international business school (BMBSh IGU)Irkutsk1
Institute of language, literature and art (IYaLI) of G. Ibragimov of Academy of Sciences of the Republic of TatarstanKazan1
High comprehensive school No. 5 (Karpinsk)Karpinsk1
Voronezh Institute of High Technologies (VIHT)Voronezh1
Russian Humanitarian Scientific Fund (RHSF)Moscow1
SOSh No. 8 BalashikhaBalashikha1
The higher economic schoolMoscow1
Kronstadt sea cadet military body (KMKK)Kronstadt1
Moscow Academy of an entrepreneurship, Blagoveshchensk branchBlagoveshchensk1
MTC (Makhachkala Training Centre)Makhachkala1
Linguist of Non-State Educational Institution1
Sharlyksky technical technical school1
Jurisprudence PIP InstituteMinsk1
Trioniks fundKursk1
SOSh No. 17 SerpukhovSerpukhov1
Lomonosov Moscow State University - Economics departmentMoscow1
The Bentley university in Uoltham (Massachusetts, the USA)1
Kama humanitarian and technical collegeNaberezhnye Chelny1
Regional institute of professional developmentVeliky Novgorod1
Chernorechensky high comprehensive school of a name of the gentleman Orden of the Red Star of Gonyshev A. I.1
State autonomous educational institution of DPO Institute of development of education of the Republic of TatarstanKazan1
Museum of the Future (Museum of the future of Dubai)Dubai1
Moscow military and musical schoolMoscow1
Volgograd State Academy of Post-qualifying Education (VSAPQE)Volgograd1
State central museum of cinemaMoscow1
YUURIBF (Southern Ural institute of biophysics of Federal Medical Biological Agency)Ozyorsk1
Uspensky high comprehensive school of the Vyazma district of the Smolensk region1
East European university of economy and management1
MOGNB fund of N.K. KrupskayaMoscow region1
HKIRSPO, Khabarovsk edge institute of development of a system of professional educationKhabarovsk1
Kindergarten No. 847Moscow1
Kharkiv aviation institute (National space university)Kharkiv1
School studio of the EdgeSarov1
Regional training center Suponevo1
Department of education of the Oryol district1
International gymnasium of the innovation center SkolkovoSkolkovo1
High comprehensive school No. 67 of TomskTomsk1
European universityKiev1
Moscow New Legal Institute (MNLI)Moscow1
Creativity Center of out-of-school education SamaraSamara1
SOSh No. 10 city of Reutov (High comprehensive school No. 10 Reutov)Reutov1
Slantsevsky high comprehensive school No. 21
MBOU SOSh No. 4 of the municipal entity resort town of Anapa of a name of the Hero of the Russian Federation V.M. EvskinAnapa1
Novgorod KvantoriumVeliky Novgorod1
University Of Alaska Anchorage (Anchorage Alaska University)1
Caspian Training GroupAlmaty1
Center of Information and Technical Support, Microfilming and Restoration (CITS,MR)Veliky Novgorod1
The Evenki centralized library system1
Aktyubinsk regional universal scientific library of S. BaishevAktobe1
Karavelov Lyuben library1
BOU of Omsk High educational school No. 36Omsk1
STC RainbowMoscow1
Institute of the regional HR policyBelgorod1
VOLGA - Volgograd state universityVolgograd1
Institute of Africa of RASMoscow1
3 Central Research Institutes Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation (3 Central Research and Development InstituteMoscow1
The highest theatrical school of M.S. ShchepkinMoscow1
Irkutsk State University (ISU)Irkutsk1
Irkutsk aviation technical schoolIrkutsk1
MBOU Lyceum No. 24 of P.S. PrikhodkoRubtsovsk1
GBPOU Ural chemical and technology college1
Auto pilot (training)1
Omsk Russian Interior Ministry AcademyOmsk1
Chapayevsk chemical and technology technical school1
The centralized library system of the city Nur sultan1
Miass high comprehensive school No. 11
Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University (KSPU) of V.P. AstafyevKrasnoyarsk1
High comprehensive school No. 1 of ProtvinoProtvino1
Teacher training college of N.K. KaluginOrenburg1
Atlantic university of Florida Atlantic UniversityBoca Raton1
Grozny oil technical university of M.D. MillionshchikovGrozny1
St. Petersburg humanities university of labor unionsSt. Petersburg1
High comprehensive school No. 36 of VladimirVladimir1
MBOU New and Iglaykinskaya high comprehensive school of the Nurlatsky municipal District of Republic of Tatarstan1
OGBUDO, Resource center of additional educationRyazan1
Boarding school No. 30Moscow1
Siberian state university of physical culture and sport (SIBGUFK)Omsk1
NIIPI town planningMoscow1
Bashkir state university (BASHGU)1
Chelyabinsk medical collegeChelyabinsk1
Nizhny Novgorod Russian Interior Ministry AcademyNizhny Novgorod1
Kindergarten No. 2 of the village Nekrasovka1
The military and technical university at Federal Agency for Special ConstructionMoscow1
Cambridge Assessments1
MBOU High comprehensive school No. 20 of V.G. Ryazanov1
Amursky regional scientific library of N.N. Muravyev-Amursky1
Jain University1
Academy of infocommunication technologies (DAIKT Kazakhtelecom)Almaty1
Russian college of traditional cultureSt. Petersburg1
MBOU the Gymnasium of S.V. KovalevskayaVelikiye Luki1
MBOU Mezhdurechensk high comprehensive school1
Mining NIPIPerm1
State archive of the Oryol regionEagle1
Kvantorium TverTver1
EQE (Education Quality Evaluation)Moscow1
Universidad de Oriente1
NTUU KPI (National technical university of Ukraine Kiev polytechnical institute of Igor Sikorsky)Kiev1
New schoolUfa1
Azerotekh (TsNIP SDM)1
Gymnasium No. 49 of the city of TyumenTyumen1
Moscow State University of fine chemical tecnmologies (MITHT)Moscow1
Rescue and fire fighting college, St. Petersburg center of training of rescuersSt. Petersburg1
MBOU Center of formation No. 8 of a name of the Hero of the Soviet Union D.P. TikhmyanovTula1
State Budgetary Institution DO SDYUSSHOR on hockeyTver1
SEI of the city of Moscow School No. 7Moscow1
BFK Missile defenseTyumen1
Kindergarten No. 58 of UfaUfa1
RDK TsKS (District Recreation center with the centralized club system)1
Educational resources and technology training (World ORT)1
State Museum of Oriental ArtMoscow1
SPBGIK (St. Petersburg state institute of culture)St. Petersburg1
GBPOU of the city of Moscow College of railway and city transportMoscow1
Future Russia First social and engineering park1
Institute of work (Scientific Research Institute TSS)Moscow1
Museum of defense of MoscowMoscow1
Ural Financial and Legal instituteYekaterinburg1
Karelian institute of development of educationPetrozavodsk1
Automobile educational plant1
Institute of business and policyMoscow1
Institute of state procurementsMoscow1
Balashikha technical schoolBalashikha1
International school Exupery (Exupery International School)Threshing barn1
Garbolovsky school1
LGBUVPIS of federal state institution1
Institute of economic researches RK1
Institute of mineralogy, geochemistry and crystal chemistry of rare elements (IMGRE)Moscow1
North Caucasian legal institute (branch)Cherkessk1
Chuvash state university of I.N. Ulyanov (ChGU)Cheboksary1
Luhansk State Medical University (LSMU)Luhansk1
Vladimir institute of advanced training of L.I. Novikova (VIPKRO)Vladimir1
Moscow School of Programmers (MSP)Moscow1
Department of national education of Administration of Shchuchansky district1
Alpha PromekYekaterinburg1
High comprehensive school No. 1 of the settlement Big Isakovo of the Guryev region of the Kaliningrad region1
National library of Saints Kirill and MefodiySofia1
Federation Okinawa Karate of Russia (FOKR)Moscow1
West Siberian test center (Zsicentre)Novokuznetsk (Kemerovo region)1
Nurlatsky gymnasium of M.E. Sergeev1
Infocomm ServiceMoscow1
Chuvash Republican Library for Children and Young People (CRLCYP)1
North Caucasian mining and metallurgical institute of SKGMI (GTU)Vladikavkaz1
AVF InformMoscow1
Yaroslavl state university of P.G. DemidovYaroslavl1
Орловская детская хореографическая школаEagle1
State public historical library of Russia (GPIB of Russia)Moscow1
School 41 Harmony SamaraSamara1
GU School lyceum No. 35Uralsk1
Kazan branch of the Russian academy of justiceKazan1
Center of formation of the city of Belgorod No. 15Belgorod1
School 44 (Omsk)Omsk1
TRSIDRE (Tyumen Regional State Institute of Development of Regional Education)Tyumen1
Research institute of a reprography (Federal State Unitary Enterprise NIIR)Tula1
National library of the Republic of Abkhazia1
SPBGIPSR SPb of Public Educational Institution of Higher Professional Training1
School No. 24 of NovocherkasskNovocherkassk1
University of Potsdam (Potsdam)1
Executive MBA, EMBA (School of leadership of MBA)Moscow1
Center of hydrometeorological service (Uzgidromet)1
Baltic state technical university Military Mechanical Institute of D.F. Ustinov (BGTU Military Mechanical Institute)St. Petersburg1
Crimean republican universal scientific library to them. I.Ya. Franko1
Volga branch of National research institute of MEIVolzhsky1
UGMU, Ural state medical universityYekaterinburg1
Smolensk regional universal library of A.T. TvardovskySmolensk1
Municipal educational institution Luzinsky School No. 2Omsk region1
Scientific Research Institute SVT (Research institute of computer aids)Kirov1
Kindergarten No. 270 (Barnaul)Barnaul1
St. Petersburg public budget professional educational institution Industrial and economic collegeSt. Petersburg1
MBA StrategyKiev1
MBOU Pecherskaya high school of the Smolensk district of the Smolensk region1
MAOU SOSh No. 22 YekaterinburgYekaterinburg1
Center of education school of health 2005Moscow1
High comprehensive school No. 23 BalashikhaBalashikha1
Far Eastern State Technical University (DVPI of V.V.Kuibyshev)Vladivostok1
Tianjin University of trade1
St. Petersburg state museum of theatrical and musical artSt. Petersburg1
MBOU Gymnasium No. 123Barnaul1
MBOU Vsevolodovsky high comprehensive school No. 421
Business Es-Er-Si school (SRC)Moscow1
MBDOU kindergarten No. 5 of OdintsovoMoscow region1
Academy of work, social relations and tourism (Ukraine)1
Samara Institute of Management (SIM)Samara1
International academy of researches of the futureMoscow1
SEI of the city of Moscow School No. 1526 on PokrovskayaMoscow1
Nikolaev national university of V.O. Sukhomlinsky1
Rostov sanatorium boarding school No. 28Rostov-on-Don1
Chelyabinsk professional college (CHELPK)Chelyabinsk1
Bohr school No. 2Bohr1
Komi-Permyak museum of local lore of P.I. Subbotin Resident of Perm1
St. Petersburg State University of cinema and television (SPBGUKIT)St. Petersburg1
Sakha Polytechnical lyceum of the city district city of YakutskYakutsk1
High comprehensive school No. 2 of Sol-IletskSol-Iletsk1
Oil and gas industry Center of the innovation trainingNizhnevartovsk1
Ministry of Education of the Republic of Cameroon1
Volkhov polytechnical technical schoolVolkhov (Leningrad Region)1
VGUYu RPA Ministry of Justice of the Russian FederationMoscow1
UrYuI Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (Ural legal institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation)Yekaterinburg1
Volunteer Society for Cooperation with the Army, Aviation, and Fleet of RussiaMoscow1
EBC (Ecological and Biological Center)Astrakhan1
Moscow financial and industrial academyMoscow1
Institute of Technology of supersolid and new carbon materials (TISNUM)Moscow region1
ENU to them L.N. Gumileva (Eurasian national university)1
VF DVYuI Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation Vladivostoksky branch of the Far East legal instituteVladivostok1
High comprehensive school No. 28 of IvanovoIvanovo1
GBPOU RO Volgodonsk technical school of information technologies, business and design of V.V. SamarskyVolgodonsk1
Institute of power engineering and electrical equipment (IEMET)St. Petersburg1
Trans-Ural humanitarian Institute of TechnologyBarrow1
All-Russian Research Institute of a flowmeter survey of federal state unitary enterpriseKazan1
Schools of the Ussuriysk district of Primorsky KraiUssuriysk1
KGPU of U. Sultangazin (the Kostanay State Pedagogical University)Kostanay1
Moscow construction college No. 38Moscow1
Moscow institute of examination and tests (MIEI)Moscow1
EMLI No. 29 (Economic-mathematical lyceum No. 29)Izhevsk1
Center of Researches of Payment Systems and CalculationsSt. Petersburg1
Murinsky center of education No. 1 (Murinsky TsO No. 1)1
State Gemological Center of Ukraine (SGCU)Kiev1
Composite SolyyushenMoscow1
St. Petersburg Academic university (scientific and education center of nanotechnologies SPBAU RAHN)St. Petersburg1
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (Karlsruher Institut für Technologie, KIT)1
Computer and information center of Society of Max Planck (Max Planck Computing and Data Facility, MPCDF)1
State budgetary institution of the Kaliningrad region professional educational organization Teacher training college1
Blagoveshchensk Branch of the Moscow Academy of an Entrepreneurship (BBMAE)Blagoveshchensk1
Moscow planetariumMoscow1
Institute of professional education of Vladimir VelmovskyNizhny Novgorod1
UCAR University corporation of atmospheric researches1
The centralized library system of the city of Gatchina of MUGatchina (Leningrad Region)1
Institute of mathematics and mechanics of the Ural department of RAS1
St. Petersburg state Institute of TechnologySt. Petersburg1
Kazakh national pedagogical university of a name of AbayAlmaty1
FPI RPA (Fund of legal researches of the Russian legal academy of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation)Moscow1
Kazan legal institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian FederationKazan1
Penza regional library of M.Yu. LermontovPenza1
Dagestan State Pedagogical UniversityMakhachkala1
Dubovsky teacher training collegeDubovka1
University of Connecticut (Connecticut university)1
Ancor education centerCheboksary1
Small academy of Sciences of the Sakha (Yakutia) Republic1
Izhevsk state agricultural academyIzhevsk1
The Moscow Academy of an entrepreneurship at the Government of MoscowMoscow1
SRAM (Samara Regional Art Museum)Samara1
Institute of social and psychological adaptation and health of the nationKomsomolsk-on-Amur1
Adygei state universityMaykop1
Bulgarian Islamic academy1
Nizhny Novgorod state agricultural academy (NGSHA)Nizhny Novgorod1
Pokrovsk high comprehensive school of the Sol-Iletsk city district1
NCAR National center of atmospheric researches1
Archive fund of Murmansk regionMurmansk1
Alibra (Runov) School1
CSIC (Chelyabinsk State Institute of Culture)Chelyabinsk1
RNIIRS (Rostov-on-Don research institute of a radio communication)Rostov-on-Don1
Electronic archive1
University of applied sciences of Lucerne (Hochschule Luzern HSLU, HSLU)1
St. Petersburg institute of Interior Ministry Troops of the Russian FederationSt. Petersburg1
Briyentsky high comprehensive school1
Rostov college of artsRostov-on-Don1
International institute of economy and right (Non-State Educational Institution MIEP)Moscow1
RTsDOD, Regional center of additional education of childrenVologda1
Museum of MoscowMoscow1
Volgograd Conservatory of P.A. SerebryakovVolgograd1
Research Institute of Power Constructions (RIPC)1
Lyceum of the Sol-Iletsk district of the Orenburg regionSol-Iletsk1
Academy of civil aviationAlmaty1
Almetyevsk polytechnical technical schoolAlmetyevsk1
Murmansk state regional universal scientific libraryMurmansk1
Odintsovo lyceum No. 6 of A.S. PushkinOdintsovo (Moscow Region)1
Volgograd boarding school No. 5Volgograd1
Krasnoyarsk high comprehensive school1
Professional institute of law1
Moscow social and economic instituteMoscow1